So I decided to take a break from writing this essay, it's killing me, I just keep on having some brain farts, POOF! anyways I decided to open my bible and read a little bit of today's journal and it encouraged me so much.
"But God even knows how many hairs you have on your head. Don't be afraid. You are WORTH much more than many sparrows." -Luke 12:7
"Look at the birds. They don't plant or harvest, they don't have storerooms or barns, but God feeds them. And You are WORTH much more than birds." -Luke 12:25
In one chapter Jesus tells us how valuable you and I are to God. We are so valuable that he had to mention it twice. I wondered why? maybe because He knew we wouldn't feel worthy or valuable at times. Well I'll I can come up with is what goes on in my personal life and maybe it relates to yours. I sometimes have the hardest time feeling loved, feeling worthy, feeling valuable. I mean, I know that one of God's main characteristics is love but I sometimes wonder how can my sinful self look beautiful to God? there is no way. I struggle with this even now, as a saved christian. It's funny because it's in my most intimate time with God that I recall all of my mess ups, screw ups, and all my other junk. I heard this one pastor preach on the radio and he said "The hardest part about prayer is allowing God to love you." I was rocked by that statement. Because it finally clicked that in my most private time where I get to love on Jesus, I just can't seem to allow him to love me because I'm to stuck looking at myself, my imperfections, and my defects but I believe with all of my heart that in my quiet time that is when God says "You are fearfully and wonderfully made" "You are WORTH much more than birds, You are WORTH much more than anything"
Do you know your worth?
Monday, September 29, 2008
Posted by Santos Samayoa aka SantZ, Chato...hey it's still me at 7:57 PM 0 comments
Labels: my life
Sunday Night REwind
Sunday, September 28, 2008
- Masters Commission is BACK!!
- Masters had there opening service, and they all brought it!
- The Worship was TIGHT, Samson lead the worship team, dang he's grown up so much.
- Like I mentioned on Fridays blog, this might be the DREAM TEAM of MC's
- P. Nick brought the word as he spoke about Labels
- Judeges 6--> Gideon: What labels have people placed on you? but what has God labeled you? Champion, Overcomer, Forgiven One, Child, Loved One!!
- The Human Video was GREAT! good job Angie & James, YOU made history ;)
- Prayer time in the Alter was just what I needed. Sometimes we give so much but we all need time to re-fill and re-fuel.
- Got to kick it with Manda as we headed out to SF
- My Sister preached, she did more of a teaching but she did good, she preaches like my dad, haha :)
- Went out to eat as a family, including Amanda.
- Ok i'm getting ready for Bed Gnite everyone.

Posted by Santos Samayoa aka SantZ, Chato...hey it's still me at 9:42 PM 0 comments
Labels: Sunday Night REwind
The Fuse
Friday, September 26, 2008
Every Friday the FUSE keeps on getting better and better! Masters Commission is BACK, and they are back on a mission. I have never seen such a powerful group like the one that was displayed tonight, from worship to serving and to just having fun, they look like the dream team. Anyways ever since P. Nick received those 3 simple words "Never the same" the FUSE has just been that, it has never been the same. So today not only did worship have a twist but also the preaching. P. Nick got a night just to receive and Troy had a chance to deliver the word, and he did just that, he DELIVERED! Troy spoke a brief but powerful message encouraging everyone to GIVE UP BUT DON'T QUIT! yes you heard it right, give up. See there is a difference between giving up and quitting, anyone can quit but it takes a lot give up, especially give up our lives. We have to learn to give up our lives to God so God can give us true life.
Posted by Santos Samayoa aka SantZ, Chato...hey it's still me at 11:47 PM 0 comments
Labels: my life
Guys vs. Men
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
I'm here in the library and just finished reading this article in our book, which to let you know was funny but fairly true. This article is called "Guys vs. Men" by Dave Barry. For me it was funny to read because it basically explained who I am, a GUY! So for those of you who are trying to figure out what I mean, let me show you how Barry portrays 4 themes in this battle of indifference between Guys and Men.
- Guys Like Neat Stuff
If you're a guy or you've been around guys you know what I mean! whether it's the latest gadget, car, or video game system guys want it and want it now. I don't know about you but i'm guilty for this one. He explains how he just bought the top of the line computer jam packed with power but all he really does with it is stare and type a couple of words. What can we say other than "Boys will love toys!" - Guys Like A Really Pointless Challenge
"Man if that was me I would of done it better!" I mean who doesn't like a challenge, I know I do. Guys it's just built inside of us to want to conquer, doesn't the bible say that we have been given dominion? (haha) Anyways something inside of us GUYS is wired for competition whether it's in a championship football game or fantasy football we all live for that moment in the light, basically bragging rights. - Guys Do Not Have A Rigid & Well-Defined Moral Code
The article says "Guys are aware of the rules of moral behavior, but they have trouble keeping these rules in the forefronts of their minds at certain times, especially the present." This reminded me about what Troy spoke about last Sunday, remember we try to get as close to the line without crossing it? I know I have been there both right in front of the line and past the line. Remember rules were meant to be broken, but not standards! - Guys Are Not Great At Communicating Their Intimate Feelings, Assuming They Have Any
If you're a woman, you probably know what I'm talking about. If it wasn't for my relationship with Amanda I would have never known that I have a communication deficiency, don't believe me just ask her, haha, ok ok I'm not that bad but it is something that I need to work at. Here is a common conversation:
A- "How was your day?"
S- "Good, how bout yours?"
A-"Ummm well first I brushed my teeth, did my hair, got stuck in traffic, saw a bird fly over my head, made it to school, no parking, felt sad that you didnt call...".
Guys already have the hardest time communicating, you add feelings to that and we are like a deer in headlights!
Posted by Santos Samayoa aka SantZ, Chato...hey it's still me at 10:12 PM 0 comments
Labels: my life
What are you praying for?
Monday, September 22, 2008
"Then he continued, "Do not be afraid, Daniel. Since the first day that you set your mind to gain understanding and to humble yourself before your God, your words were heard, and I have come in response to them." -Daniel 10:12
We've all have probably heard the story about Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach, & Abed-Nego and if you haven't well please read! Anyways looking at this scripture what stood out the most to me was that the decision for understanding visions and dreams was the decision of Daniel. It says that he "SET his mind to gain understanding..." but I also started to think how things looked at on the other side of the coin? how did God see this young mans heart? I think since God already knows our ends from our beginnings he must have known that Daniel was going to be a young man who was committed, because I think anyone who was going to face all the challenges that he did had to be committed to God. I think about myself? how committed am I? I don't even have to face persecution, accusations, or Lions and I still have a hard time staying committed to Christ. One scripture that pops to my head is 1 Corinthians 10:13 which brings a statement that we must all remember and that is that God wont give us anything we can't handle. I believe God looked deep within Daniels heart before he looked at Daniels end, and he saw that this young man was going to be able to handle IT.
I realize that I have prayed for several things; boldness, challenges, more of God, Giants, humility, revelation...etc. but looking at this verse I wonder if God is doing me a favor and not giving me those things, why? because maybe He just knows that I'm not committed fully yet or I can't handle it yet. And maybe I'm praying for understanding today, but God is trying to teach me a lesson about pride that I still haven't grasped.
Lord as you look into my heart you know what "things" I can handle, and maybe it might not be much but I pray that in whatever area that you are stretching me or whatever lesson that you are teaching me help me to stay committed to learn.
Posted by Santos Samayoa aka SantZ, Chato...hey it's still me at 8:09 PM 0 comments
Labels: Journals
Sunday Night REwind
Sunday, September 21, 2008
- Woke up feeling hecka tired...maybe because I stayed up till 12 am
- Although I was tired I managed to pray to God. I dunno how he speaks to you, but to me he speaks through numbers (weird) but anyways he gives me a set of numbers and the first book that I think of I go to it and read. More times than none, it usually on point.
- The Lord gave me Proverbs 15! it cleared a lot of things for me, if you have time read it, especially those who are dealing with bad communication.
- Leia said "HI!" to me like a million of times, it's so funny and cute at the same time (did I just say cute, haha j/k)
- Troy's been doing a great job teaching "The Best Question Ever" for our life groups. He hit a couple speed bumps, but finished through strong. I love his on the spot revelation (I'm not touching you...)
- The CWCM worship team tore it up, they did these new transitions which to me, was AWESOME!!
- Pastor Ant & Tara are back!!
- Today's sermon asked a tough question, "What would the church look like if EVERYONE served?"
- We Build People started again. Kind of sad only 2 people joined. How do we get people excited about growing in the church?
- Been texting my brother, he misses everyone, and I miss him :(
- Preparing for tonight, I'm going to preach @ my dads.
- Didn't think I had to play the drums tonight, but I did, so you can say it was BAD!! haha hey I tried at least. Like every good worship leader tells a bad singer, "You have a Great Heart" yup that's all I have.
- Preached today about being "Fishers of Men" used Luke 5:1-11
a. Jesus calls in the most unlike times
b. Only in the DEEP will we see more of Jesus
c. How will you answer Jesus? an excuse or total submission
d. Fishermen who had everything (gained materialistic things) to Fishers of Men who gave it all (gained eternal life) - WOW! we had a great service tonight.
- Went out to eat Mexican food with the familia, ughh my stomach hurts.
- GNite every1
Posted by Santos Samayoa aka SantZ, Chato...hey it's still me at 4:15 PM 0 comments
Labels: Sunday Night REwind
"Who Said that?"
Saturday, September 20, 2008
- When you are bringing people on your team...
1. Make sure you are going the same direction & agree on the mission.
2. The more precise you are on who you are & what you are doing-the more latitude you can have on the how it gets done. -Mark Beeson - "We forget there is a process between God's promise and the pay-off." -Steven Furtick
- "The process isn't pointless. Sometimes the process is the point." -Steven Furtick
- "A good leader invites others to speak into his life." -Craig Groeschel
- "An organization is the reflection of its leadership." -Craig Groeschel
- "God's plan to help the world is you. There is no other plan." -Rob Wegner
- "Balance is not a goal. Someone who is balanced is standing still. You don't want to be balanced, you need to be leaning. Lean into your marriage. Lean into your relationships. Lean into God." -Mark Beeson
- "Don't count the years, make the years count!" -Lou Holtz
Posted by Santos Samayoa aka SantZ, Chato...hey it's still me at 10:44 PM 0 comments
Labels: "Who Said That?"
Face Lift
Well as you may have noticed my blog just got a new face lift! not sure if I like it all the way, but I will test it out. Anyways I can't really fall asleep, not sure why? Just going to jot down some pro's & cons:
- Has 3 sections (which means more room)
- Has a cool color, not to girly but not to dark
- I like it! :)
- It has no sign in button?? (that's very important)
- It's kind of hard to understand some words because it's html is in Portuguese or something
- Have to look & install all my old widgets
Posted by Santos Samayoa aka SantZ, Chato...hey it's still me at 2:27 AM 0 comments
Labels: my life
The Fuse
Friday, September 19, 2008
Tonight was an intimate night at the Fuse. We may have been short in numbers but the presence of God was there not only in worship but in the word. I've probably have heard this message a couple times already, but tonight was just different. Tons of new revelation, you can really see how much P. Nick has grown. Anyways just wanted to share some points of what he preached about:
- A flesh is just a slave waiting for someone to tell it what to do.
- A car cannot operate without an operator.
- Galatians 5:6-How to battle the lust of the flesh.
- Psalms 119:9-How can we change? by taking heed (paying attention) to the word=Jesus
- To say that temptation is a sin would have to mean that Jesus was a sinner (remember Jesus was tempted) which cannot be, being that Jesus was sinless.
- What did Jesus do when He was tempted? He used the WORD..."It is written" In times of our temptation WE HAVE TO battle with the Word of God!
- "The next time the enemy reminds you of your past, you remind him of his future."
- If you are getting tempted by the enemy, that's a good sign, because that shows that you are a threat to him.
- How do we RE-Train our Thinking?
- Un-Learn-We are creatures of Habit
- Learn New Things-If you break a habit you need to replace it with something NEW
- Apply & Live what you learned-Repeat, Repeat, Repeat!
Posted by Santos Samayoa aka SantZ, Chato...hey it's still me at 11:07 PM 0 comments
Labels: my life, ponder points
Suprising Visit
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Well my day was turning out to be like any other routine day. Work, walk, home, eat, school, sleep; but today was different because Amanda showed up! yesss! well now that school has started for the both of us it has been crazy to find any sort of balance in our relationship. Even calling has been getting to be a problem, but we wont let that get in the way. Craziness of life means only one thing, we have to get creative in the ways we communicate and spend time. So today Amanda decided to surprise me by coming and visiting me, usually i'm the one going out there. But anyways we decided to go to the library (what a bunch of nerds, haha) I had some homework to finish up, then we walked around SFSU and found a nice spot to just chill and go over this book titled, "Boy meets Girl," by Joshua Harris, it had some good stuff and some eye openning questions, after that we went to the beach and enjoyed a nice COLD sunset. What a Day, Thanks Manda!
Posted by Santos Samayoa aka SantZ, Chato...hey it's still me at 10:56 PM 0 comments
Labels: my life
War Room/ Internship
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Since last Friday when Pastor Johnny Murillo came to preach at the Men's Conference he also did War room and Internship. Pastor Johnny had so many great points that really re-activated the flame for ministry. I guess you can learn a valuable lesson through someone elses hardship. Here are a couple notes i jotted from War Room/Internship:
•"Every Leader has to have the ability to LEAD!"
•It's good to have ambition but not selfish ambition.
•ask yourself, "Why does my ministry exist?"
- Re-think your Mission Statement
- It has to be written down
- Your ministry adapts to the Church's Mission Statement
•A book all leaders should check out, "Good To Great" By: Jim Collins
- Who's on the Bus? Get the right people on & get the wrong people off!
- Your best strength can/will be your greatest weakness
- Write down the qualifications- Get the right people on the right seats
•Nothing Personal Just MISSIONAL
•Who's willing to make the same sacrifices as you will?
•Good Research & Development Team (RDT):
- What are your fish attracted to?
- What's your bait?
- What age/generation are you aiming for?
- What attracted YOU?
•"You CANNOT think if you are fatigued."
•"REST is a WEAPON!"
•2 ways to learn: 1. Mistakes 2. Mistakes of others
•Need to be COMMITTED to LEARN
•This is a marathon not a sprint.
•Acts 17:26- You are where You are because of God.
•Avoid stress by Rest, TAKE YOUR SABBATH!
Posted by Santos Samayoa aka SantZ, Chato...hey it's still me at 10:26 PM 0 comments
Labels: my life, ponder points
How does your church look like?
Monday, September 15, 2008
So I've been staring at this picture for a long time and all I can think about is CWC's phrase which goes like this: "A Church of ALL backgrounds, ALL races, and ALL generations serving One God." (Rudy Jr., Me, Vin-Thomas)
Posted by Santos Samayoa aka SantZ, Chato...hey it's still me at 11:45 PM 0 comments
Labels: my life, ponder points
I have a story to share
Psalms 145:4
"Parents will tell their children what you have done. They will retell your mighty acts"
I couldn't but help to think about my mom when I read this verse. My mom would always tell us stories, in fact she is one of the best story tellers I know. She remembers things from way back when, and it is still vivid in her mind. I really enjoy hearing her stories they're great! and even sometimes she'll repeat the same story and I catch myself finishing the her next words. Stories is how we past memories, legacy, and even the mighty acts of God. My mom was once diagnosed with Epilepsy, but she prayed and the church prayed and boom she was healed, an act of God. Things like this really build up a childs faith.
I remember even at times of sickness, my parents would take care of me and always tell me do you believe that Jesus could heal you? and although I was a little kid, I really did believe he could and he has.
Thinking about my mom's stories and the healings that she not only has experienced but seen have really developed my faith. Remember that faith is something that is measured. Just as we grow so does faith. Faith grows the more we use it or else it stays the same if we don't.
•Faith is something that can be SEEN in your life
•Faith without works can remain as something weak
•Faith put into practice can be seen as something GREAT!
Well I have a LONG way until i become a parent but even now I am collecting a variety of stories to put into my library of "God's Mighty Acts" so if you find yourself with no stories to tell, you got to ask yourself have I done anything that has increased my faith? have I taken risk that God is the only answer? develop a library that ranges from the smallest acts of faith all the way to when your back was against the wall, and all you had was God.
Thank You Lord because even now at a young age you've allowed me to experience and also see your hand at work. I pray that this may not be the end to my library, place me in situations that will later become great stories that I can one day pass on to my children, and my childrens children. Thank YOU Lord!
Posted by Santos Samayoa aka SantZ, Chato...hey it's still me at 8:05 PM 0 comments
Good Tunes
Thursday, September 11, 2008
You know when you just find a song and you leave it on repeat? well this has been my song that has been on repeat all day for me! hope you like it. "LOVE HIM LIKE I DO"
Posted by Santos Samayoa aka SantZ, Chato...hey it's still me at 9:18 PM 0 comments
Labels: my life
Woke up extra early and just thought I'd share a quick Bible Journey that really got my morning started:
• "I look up to the hills, but where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth." -Psalms 121:1-2
•"Lord, every morning you hear my voice. Every morning, I tell you what I need, and I wait for your answer." -Psalms 5:3
•"Lord, teach me what you want me to do, and I will live by your truth. Teach me to respect you completely." -Psalms 86:11
•"I call to you in times of trouble, because you will answer me" -Psalm 86:7
Posted by Santos Samayoa aka SantZ, Chato...hey it's still me at 6:12 AM 0 comments
Labels: Bible Journey
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
I recently heard an awesome message by Louie Giglio <---if you have time just check it out and listen to this powerful message that may be one of the strongest and best messages I've ever heard. It goes right along with the question above "What happens when the bottom falls out in life."
Posted by Santos Samayoa aka SantZ, Chato...hey it's still me at 2:42 PM 0 comments
Labels: Journals, ponder points
Bear Fruit
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
John 15:16-17
“You did not choose me; I chose you. And I gave you this work: to go and produce fruit, fruit that will last. Then the Father will give you anything you ask for in my name. This is my command: Love each other.”
• As I’m preparing for my sermon, God just speaks to me in an encouraging yet challenging way. Maybe it’s for Sunday but maybe it’s just for me for right now. If I were to just breakdown these scriptures I would break it down like this:
• As Christians we should be one of the hardest workers on the face of this planet! Look, when Jesus was here he was not lazy but worked extremely hard. He helped, healed, served, died, and then came back from the dead. To each of us he gave us work to do, a personal assignment for you and for me. It may sound simple because we may not understand it, but our work on earth is to produce fruit! I thought about that for a moment and thought, “wait what kind of fruit is Jesus asking for?” so what type of fruit should Christians produce? Well in Galatians 5 Paul speaks about certain fruit that we should produce in our lives: “But the Spirit produces the fruit of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control.”
• Stuck somewhere in the middle of these scriptures is a small impacting and challenging phrase “…and produce fruit, fruit that will last.” I started thinking to myself how do you make fruit last? Fruit will eventually get rotten, no? so how do we produce fruit that will last? Well I think the answer comes in verse 17 where Jesus gives us a command, “…Love each other.” As long as you and I show, express, and give love we will produce fruit that will last. Love isn’t something that is tangible but it seems to go along way. No matter how old I get I will always know my parents love me, no matter how disconnected I get I know that Jesus loves me. See Jesus displayed a fruit that lasted, that has out stood time, scripture describes Jesus’ love like this, “Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one’s life for his friends.” Jesus displayed love, a fruit that has lasted for over 2,000 years and is still growing.
• What kind of fruit am I producing in my life? Is it love, peace, joy, goodness, kindness, faithfulness, patience, self control, or gentleness? I am challenged and convicted to be one who produces not just much fruit, but fruit that will last.
• Thank you Jesus for showing me what it is to produce a lasting harvest. I understand that it was difficult for you, and I should expect the same, but I appreciate the example that you’ve displayed for me and the helper that you’ve given to me.
Posted by Santos Samayoa aka SantZ, Chato...hey it's still me at 5:07 PM 0 comments
Labels: Journals
Sunday Night REwind
Monday, September 8, 2008
•We had our Church Picnic, every year the crowd seem to get bigger and bigger.
•All the bands played: San Jose, Milpitas, Youth, and Singles.
•Enjoyed my time with Vin, he had a great experience and a memorable one. It was his first time playing Football (He's real fast).
•Got 4th place in the toss the egg contest, Jacks was my partner, SHE ROCKS!!
•Amanda & I did the 3 legged race, hmm maybe that isn't our sport, haha :) but we tried.
•P. Dan spoke bout Hawaii, he enjoyed his time out there and really got to experience the culture. Ewa Beach here we come!
•The new team of Master Commission is in town. (I love it)
•Had to leave early to go preach at my dads church. Spoke about "What to do when we feel disconnected?"
•My dad and I kind of tag teamed this preaching, it was cool.
•The way my dad spoke was different. Still can't point it out but something was different, but in a good way.
•One quick point that my dad mentioned that really sparked something in me..."We all know about tithing 10% of our money, but how about 10% of our day?"
•Feeling hecka sore, haven't ran like this in like forever.
•Oh yeah, not sure who won between the single adults and married couples? but I do know I threw a touch down pass.
Posted by Santos Samayoa aka SantZ, Chato...hey it's still me at 10:03 PM 0 comments
Labels: Sunday Night REwind
"Who Said that?"
Saturday, September 6, 2008
•"Never The Same" -P.Nick
•"I love it that we’re willing to try something that may fail in order to find a solution that works." -Tony Morgan
•“A single word has the power to alter our whole perception of another person-and possibly sour the relationship before it even begins.” -Tony Morgan
•"Stand up, stand up and fight. Nothing is inevitable here. We're Americans, and we never give up. We never quit. We never hide from history. We make history." -John McCain
•"No rooftops, no ceilings" -Manda Mikk
•"Cautious is not who God made me" -Gary Molander
•"Sin will always cause the voice of God to grow faint in our lives–ALWAYS!" -Perry Noble
•"A Leader Should Never Fall In Love With “The Way Things Are.” -Perry Noble
•"faith doesn’t follow signs, but instead signs follow faith." -Jr
•"if you want 2 see God move, you need 2 make a move" -Jr
•"But they're not talking about how he died. They're talking about how he lived." -Mike Belloti
Posted by Santos Samayoa aka SantZ, Chato...hey it's still me at 12:21 PM 0 comments
Labels: "Who Said That?"
The Sound of FREEDOM
Friday, September 5, 2008
How does Freedom sound like, you may ask? Freedom sounds beautiful, freedom sounds like a fight, freedom sounds quiet, freedom sounds united, freedom sounds desperate, freedom sounds like tears, freedom sounds passionate, freedom sounds like fists hitting the wall, freedom sounds like a choir, freedom sounds peaceful, freedom sounds like Troy, Samson, Tee, Amanda, Sabrina, D.J....Freedom is being experienced here at the "FUSE" this very moment. I came to the FUSE, a little late but what I'm experiencing right now is FREEDOM. I wish I could put to words what I am listening too.
One word that I've noticed I've used a lot this week was the word "Crazy!" mainly because there is no other word that can explain what has been happening in my life. Crazy! I believe what had triggered this crazy experience had to be last week, last Friday to be exact. After P.Nicks message we worshiped. Now I'm more of a conservative worship, I do my screaming and shouting on the inside; but last week I was able to release this worship that I contained inside. I remember hearing the shouts of Samson, that triggered not just something in my emotions but inside my spirit. I remembered seeing D.J jumping and dancing, and for a quick moment I saw myself doing the very same thing. I heard the sweet sound of Amanda as she sang, feeling overpowered by the spirit I too, with all that I had started worshiping, singing the same song. I'll always remember one phrase that Amanda said..."No rooftops, no ceilings" two phrases that seem to have no value, but it challenged me and irritated me this whole week.
How would my worship look like without no rooftops or ceilings? Well last Friday was the display of a worship with no roof tops and and no ceilings. Although I wasn't inside the sanctuary tonight I believe that they were having worship without roof tops or ceilings. The Fuse will never be the same again!
Posted by Santos Samayoa aka SantZ, Chato...hey it's still me at 8:47 PM 0 comments
Labels: my life, ponder points
Be an Encouragement
-------------------I DARE YOU TO MOVE----------------------
S: Mark 16:20 and they went out and preached every where the lord working with them and confirming the word through the accompany signs. Amen.
O: I guess that a lot of time we want God 2 part the river b4 we get our feet wet, we figure "yeah if I see the signs, then ill go ahead and do it." I like the saying faith doesn’t follow signs, but instead signs follow faith. In this verse they went out, they took a step of faith, they got their feet wet and as a result signs followed. So if you want 2 see God move, you need 2 make a move, plain and simple!
A: I've been scared because school looks real hard and its real intimidating but I know that I took this step of faith to get here. I need 2 stop doubting and start walking always moving forward.
P: Dear god thank you 4 every thing. I want 2 see you do things in me and through me that I can absolutely not be capable of, that way people can see that it wasn’t me but you through me. Once again I'm just a vessel here ready to b used & 2 serve. I love you and I need you amen.
Posted by Santos Samayoa aka SantZ, Chato...hey it's still me at 6:16 PM 0 comments
I'm Fat!!
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Well I had to snap to reality, and had to grip myself when I suddenly notice that my belly has gotten bigger than it has ever been, yah I'm getting Fat! Some may beg to differ but I think other wise. Anyways I asked my brother to make me a workout list so I could do it, I start next week, Sept. 8. I'll always remember P. Dan's favorite saying at "fit club"..."You are where you are because of the decisions you made yesterday." I am this way because of the decisions I made yesterday. Well enough about the problem lets see the solution:
•Curls 3 sets of 12
•Shoulder Shrugs 3 sets of 50
•Push ups 3 sets of 10
•Crunches 3 sets of 50
•Sit ups 3 sets of 20
•Little bigs 3 sets of 20
•Leg lifts 3 sets of 20
•Dum bell Lunges 3 sets of 15
•Dum bell Squats 3 sets of 10
•Dum bell thrust 3 sets of 20
•Calf raises 3 sets of 30 reg. 30 in 30 out
•Crunches 3 sets of 50
•Little bigs 3 sets of 20
•Sit Ups 3 sets of 20
•Leg lifts 3 sets of 20
So if you are reading this, help me to stay accountable. How will you know if I am keeping up to my schedule...I'll be hecka sore thats how, haha. The same way a tree is know, by it's fruit. My results will show if I am keeping up to this workout. Thanks Everyone.
Posted by Santos Samayoa aka SantZ, Chato...hey it's still me at 9:41 PM 0 comments
Labels: my life
Ponder Points
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Just read this article about a young man named Todd Doxey. Doxey was supposed to put on a uniform for the Oregon Ducks, but due to a tragic accident that took his life away Doxey was unable to play. Although he wasn't there his presence was felt. What happens when our lives come to an abrupt halt? what will we be remembered for? I loved this quick insert that was in this article, made me think about the book "One Month to live" See what the coach of the Ducks had to say about Doxey:
"The impressive thing is that, for the last eight weeks, we've heard all these people talking about Todd," Oregon coach Mike Bellotti said. "But they're not talking about how he died. They're talking about how he lived."
What kind of legacy am I leaving behind? If there is going to be one word that people will remember me by what will that one word be?
Posted by Santos Samayoa aka SantZ, Chato...hey it's still me at 11:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: ponder points
Bible Journey: Acts 2
•2:1- Can the day of Pentecost still happen again? What will the church need to do to get there? Can we be united, connected? How does the church look like as a church in ONE ACCORD?
•2:4- When you are filled with the Holy Spirit you cannot be the same. “Never the Same” Something that has been preached for about a month at the “FUSE”
•2:8- With God all things are possible!
•2:12- I think in our church there are several people in these same shoes, asking themselves “Watta? What is happening here?” but the mysteries of God were never meant to be confusing.
•2:14- Going back to that phrase that P. Nick has been reiterating, “Never the Same!” Peter the one who denies Jesus lives out those 3 simple words. After the Holy Spirit joins him he is never the same, and displays an act of courageous living.
•2:16-21- Peter protects himself with the Word of God. The bible literally says that the word of God is sharper than any two edged sword (Heb. 4:12), so what are you fighting with? Have you enough word inside of you to combat out in the battlefield?
•2:22- The first word of this scripture shows Peters passion, “People...” As Christ followers one of our top passions need to be people, both unsaved and saved.
•2:23- God has plans for our lives, in detail, long before we were even conceived. Want to know more about your own life, consider his ways. Because the more you find out who He is the more you find out who you are.
•2:37- Change can’t happen until YOU want to change. As a Christian you can’t convict nobody, that’s the Holy Spirits job not yours.
•2:41- Lord is it foolish to pray and ask for this many baptisms, well if it is or it isn’t I’m still going to pray that you may bring 3,000 people to know you and be baptized for you.
•2:42- Discipleship consists of 4 areas: 1. Teaching- teaching sound doctrine of the word of God. 2. Sharing- sharing personal experiences both the good and the bad. 3. Breaking Bread- spending time whether it’s a one-on-one deal or with a group enjoying fellowship. 4. Praying Together- Knowing that someone is praying for me makes me feel a lot safer. There is power in numbers. Becoming partners in prayers brings a corporate anointing.
•2:47a- If these new rising Christians were liked by ALL the people, why are some of today's Christians hated by the world and even their own church members?
•2:47b- Lord here is another crazy prayer: Lord nothing is impossible in your eyes so I ask that you may add to the numbers of those who will be getting save here in San Jose, Milpitas, and Hawaii.
Posted by Santos Samayoa aka SantZ, Chato...hey it's still me at 2:04 PM 0 comments
Labels: Bible Journey
Happy Birthday
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Posted by Santos Samayoa aka SantZ, Chato...hey it's still me at 5:59 PM 1 comments
Labels: my life