So I decided to take a break from writing this essay, it's killing me, I just keep on having some brain farts, POOF! anyways I decided to open my bible and read a little bit of today's journal and it encouraged me so much.
"But God even knows how many hairs you have on your head. Don't be afraid. You are WORTH much more than many sparrows." -Luke 12:7
"Look at the birds. They don't plant or harvest, they don't have storerooms or barns, but God feeds them. And You are WORTH much more than birds." -Luke 12:25
In one chapter Jesus tells us how valuable you and I are to God. We are so valuable that he had to mention it twice. I wondered why? maybe because He knew we wouldn't feel worthy or valuable at times. Well I'll I can come up with is what goes on in my personal life and maybe it relates to yours. I sometimes have the hardest time feeling loved, feeling worthy, feeling valuable. I mean, I know that one of God's main characteristics is love but I sometimes wonder how can my sinful self look beautiful to God? there is no way. I struggle with this even now, as a saved christian. It's funny because it's in my most intimate time with God that I recall all of my mess ups, screw ups, and all my other junk. I heard this one pastor preach on the radio and he said "The hardest part about prayer is allowing God to love you." I was rocked by that statement. Because it finally clicked that in my most private time where I get to love on Jesus, I just can't seem to allow him to love me because I'm to stuck looking at myself, my imperfections, and my defects but I believe with all of my heart that in my quiet time that is when God says "You are fearfully and wonderfully made" "You are WORTH much more than birds, You are WORTH much more than anything"
Undefeated Lifestyle
6 years ago
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