- Woke up this morning feeling hecka tired!
- Had to teach Best question ever today.
- woke up with my heart feeling heavy, still not sure why?
- Had a personal talk with P. Ant on the way to church, things are starting to shift in our lives.
- Church was different, but in a good way, routine was changed and the congregation was challenged.
- There was a whole family who came to visit all the way from Merced, they found us on the news paper. I honestly think it was all God, they needed to hear and experience today.
- Worship was AMAZING, like always. but they (worship team) brought it in a whole different way today.
- Pastor Anthony had his A-game today, and it was definitely needed!
- "People" are tough to deal with, but that's is my passion.
- The church and myself are all going through it, but it's making us STRONGER!
- Check out this blog that has really encouraged me and the CWC Milpitas team.
- Amanda looked so gooooooood today ;)
- Talked with my brother, i hecka miss him, but he's hard tyming it like always, haha sorry JR.
- I left the keys inside P.Nicks office so I had to jump over, really dumb.
- We were invited to go to Claim Jumpers, but I had to deny because I was fasting, ahhhh, well it was worth it.
- After prayer at my dads church, we all headed to SIZZLERS, now it wasn't no Claim Jumpers but hey it hit the spot.
- Watched the Red Sox lose to Angels, booo!
- Chatting with Amanda while typing this
- Watching the food network, their making Fried Chicken and Waffles! can you say HELLA GOOD!!
- Going to hit the shower and get ready for bed.
- I think my sister is getting sick so I need to becareful
Undefeated Lifestyle
6 years ago
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