- I received a text at 6am from m brother as he headed out to the airport back to SD, man I miss him already. Can't wait for Christmas!
- Great service today, Pastor Dan & Masters Commission ministered, you know it was going to be good.
- Sermon title "Raise your Praise" (doesn't that just PUMP you up?) the walls of Jericho were knocked down by the praise of the Israelites.
- The Jericho video has to be one of my new favorite human videos, you can check out a quick bit here.
- I had a chance to break bricks today, yes I broke bricks! I was the letter E in J-E-R-I-C-H-O. Every time I break bricks I always get injured but besides a couple scratches I'm good.
- We went out to eat with the Portillo's after church, it's always a blessing to see them and learn from them. Love you guys.
- Well Leebo & Sabrina's wedding was yesterday and it was a success! thanks for letting me be a part of the celebration.
- Yesterday I was asked by almost everyone "Hey Santz so when's your wedding?" all this wedding talk has made me think a lot about marriage. So we'll have to wait to see what the Lord has to say about what the future holds.
- After our lunch I had a chance to kick it with Amanda, it was great! we went to the park where I asked her out. Whenever we go out there we just enjoy the view and reflect on how far we have come. Thanks for the memories :)
- Working on this quick video, it's getting late I'm tired.
- Overall today was a GREAT day!! a life well lived.
- Gnite...I hope
Sunday Night REwind
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Posted by Santos Samayoa aka SantZ, Chato...hey it's still me at 10:36 PM 0 comments
Labels: Sunday Night REwind
Set Margins
Monday, November 24, 2008
Moses told the Lord, "The people cannot come up on Mount Sinai, because you yourself told us, 'Set a limit around the mountain, and set it apart as holy.' " -Exodus 19:23
The Lord teaches Moses and the the Israelite the Law of "Margins." In each of our lives we need margins or how this text put it, limits. Ever seen a football game where the receiver makes not just a tremendous catch but he also manages to keep both feet in bounds which in return makes it a fair catch. Margins help the game stay in control and also helps our lives stay in control. I have recently been introduced to the real world. Working 8 hours, leading a team, expected performance, school, relationship, ministry, and a whole lot of driving. My life can seem and is real draining. I need to develop margins in my life to gain control of it or else I will be living life aimlessly.
Another thing I enjoyed about this verse was the last 5 words "...set it apart as holy." As we make margins in our lives we also have to set apart margins that are HOLY. These margins are the ones that are irreplaceable, unmovable, priceless. No matter what comes I already know and understand that I have set apart some time for what is holy. Now Holy doesn't always have to mean something spiritual. For some your Holy Margins are time with your family, Date night, or exercise.
As I think about these words that I'm writing i'm asking myself what are my margins that are HOLY, set in stone? So I gathered my top 5
- Devotion with the Lord in the mornings.
- Watching "House of Payne" every Wednesday with my sister.
- Telling Amanda Goodnight anyway possible .
- Spending time with my family.
- Encouraging my team.
Posted by Santos Samayoa aka SantZ, Chato...hey it's still me at 11:28 PM 0 comments
Sunday Night REwind
Sunday, November 23, 2008
•Great end to a Great series!
•P. Ant brought it, again. That a way to finish "30 days to live." I think this was one of our most effective series so far.
•Amanda DANCED!! I love seeing her dance, she's the best. Here's a quick peek of her dance "Remind Me" (not the best quality, boo)
•No one showed up for our single adult class, but it's a learning process. Although there was a no show Troy and I had a chance to brainstorm some quick ideas about how we can promote this group. (if you have any feel free to leave a comment, we want to learn)
•Went to eat at Las Vegas taqueria, it was good but living in SF i'm really picky about my mexican food.
•WOW Leebo & Sabrina have about a week left before they get married! I'm so excited for them.
•It was so touching hearing Manny talk about how his daughter is about to be married soon. It must be hard for a parent to let go of their baby.
•P.Dan comes next week, can't wait, hopefully they do "JERICHO"
•Going to go to bed soon, this might be the earliest I've gone to bed this whole week.
•So ThanksGiving is coming up soon, any plans? traditions?
Posted by Santos Samayoa aka SantZ, Chato...hey it's still me at 9:19 PM 0 comments
Labels: Sunday Night REwind
Guest Journal
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
I suddenly woke up real early today not sure why? so I decided I was going to pray but all of a sudden I was lead to read a journal entry that one of my friends sent me. Samson Lepisi, is one of the strongest men I know, he truly lives up to his name "Samson." Anyways I love that I have been able to see this young man grow in the ranks of Masters Commission. So this morning I want to say thank you Sam, and with his permission I want to share the same journal that encouraged and challenged me to keep going!

S- "Examine yourselves, to see whether you are in the faith. Test yourselves. Or do you not realize this about yourselves, that Jesus Christ is in you?—unless indeed you fail to meet the test! I hope you will find out that we have not failed the test. But we pray to God that you may not do wrong—not that we may appear to have met the test, but that you may do what is right, though we may seem to have failed." -2 Corinthians 13:5-7
O- What I believe Paul is talking about is never giving up. test yourself, whether you are in the faith. I thank God so much for a free will because if we didn't have it then what cause we are fighting for. I mean don't get me wrong having a good perfect life is good but imagine how much growth we will have spiritually if we've gone through difficult situations. Paul is saying, test yourself. You know sometimes we believe that once we are saved then we are always saved. Listen, "God is far more than just one miracle in your life and if we live off of just one, than we have limited ourselves of more." A test is an opportunity to overcome, we cant look at it as a downfall, a stumbling block but a chance to look at our problems as stairs, "the more steps you take, the higher you go." We will fail, don't get me wrong! we will fail but just know that failure is not an option in life, its a tool to help others overcome.
A- I apply this word to my walk this day and also in life. I found out my popz in the hospital. I know through this, my faith is being tested and i believe that my faith will grow stronger. Only God brings the increase.
P- God I thank you so much for what you have done. God through the good and the bad i will still worship you. God give me strength. I love you so much. Thank you. Amen
Posted by Santos Samayoa aka SantZ, Chato...hey it's still me at 5:16 AM 0 comments
Labels: Journals
Pushing the envelope
Monday, November 17, 2008
As we are strolling into the closing of another year we, as a church are pushing the envelope. Lately at CWC Milpitas we have been driven to change the way we do church. Yes we are sticking with what has brought us success but we are changing things up, we are pushing the envelope. Lately Pastor Anthony has been speaking to us, his team, about one word innovation. You could check out his post on it right here. We've decided to change a few things especially in this series "30 days to live." Each week we've been changing things up.First it was unfolding this series, weren't really sure how people would have taken it but I think it is making all of us think, second we introduced a new face lift to our stage. Who could've thought that a couple of lights here and there would make such a difference, and lastly we brought out a coffin to make a statement that life is to short not to live it out. So what's next? well for that you'll just have to check it out or keep posted.
Posted by Santos Samayoa aka SantZ, Chato...hey it's still me at 5:13 PM 0 comments
Labels: Church
Sunday Night REwind
Sunday, November 16, 2008
•Today was a special day, Troy and I got to speak! We did a little tag team action, it went GOOD!
•"30 Days to Live" has been a challenging series. Makes me evaluate how I am living my life.
• In preparing this message God really spoke to me that "A legacy Isn't built on what you have, but it's built on what you give."
•Jesus' Legacy has outlasted Him because He GAVE His life. What are you giving to build a Godly Legacy?
•Amanda got to lead a song today, she did great!
•Ask yourself these 3 questions:
1.How do you want your wife/husband to remember you?
2.How do you want your children to remember you?
3.How do you want your grandchildren to remember you?
•Thanks P.Ant these little steps help us grow.
•I received a package in the mail today, wonder what it is? haha I know, but I might post on it next week.
•So far at my dads church youth services have been amazing, although we may not have the best musicians or singers we just had a time of worship. I can't explain it, it was just a peaceful spirit.
•The Youth spoke about the 5 fold ministry. We may not know it all but we are learning. Imagine a church working on all 5 cylinders?
•Gunna try to go to bed early tonight, so Gnite every1.
Posted by Santos Samayoa aka SantZ, Chato...hey it's still me at 8:50 PM 0 comments
Labels: Sunday Night REwind
The BIG 5
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
I've decided to start a new series here on my blog, it's going to be entitled "The BIG 5" basically I'm going to ask 5 BIG questions to a single random individual, it may even be YOU! At least once a month you will be seeing one new person answering the BIG 5!
Excited? I am, I wonder who should be first? any thoughts? Ok well I hope this goes good and starts catching on. Hey if you want me to ask you "The BIG 5" just let me know. Alright so just be on the look out for "The BIG 5" it's coming soon, real soon.
Posted by Santos Samayoa aka SantZ, Chato...hey it's still me at 11:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: The BIG 5
CWC World Changers Conference '08 (Pics)
So here are a few pictures of the night at CWC World Changers Conference. Not the best it was hard to take pictures there, lighting was bad but here you go!
Posted by Santos Samayoa aka SantZ, Chato...hey it's still me at 1:32 AM 1 comments
Labels: Church
Someone NEEDS our HELP!
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Christmas is around the corner what are you going to buy? or better yet what are you going to GIVE?
What happens when people come together for 1 cause? impossible vanishes. This Christmas will you HELP make a DIFFERENCE in a child's life? As a kid I thought Christmas was all about me, but now as I get older the table has turned and I'm realizing that there is more to Christmas than receiving a gift. There are several other people nonetheless children who will go without. Won't you help us today?
Lead Pastor Shaun King and The Courageous Church down in Atlanta, will be starting this amazing campaign, check it out at "500uniforms.org" to raise money for children whom this Christmas will not have a gift under their tree. Help make a difference in the world, your world!
Honestly you can probably read this and just skip it, but if it moves or stirs you up in any way why not help out those in need. I can say that I just finished donating $25.00 to go towards some young kids uniform, I did my part how about you?
-If you decide to donate, which I hope you do, leave a comment explaining why?-
Posted by Santos Samayoa aka SantZ, Chato...hey it's still me at 11:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: my life
Sunday Night REwind
Monday, November 10, 2008
Quick recap about one of the BEST Sundays that I have experienced EVER!!
- The Sun was out, you knew it was going to be a good day!
- The night before we set up the stage with a new face lift, it totally changed the atmosphere.
- I was amazed at how much of a difference a little bit of lights can make.
- Pastor Anthony posed a question that still has me thinking "How will your WORSHIP look like if you only had 30 days to live?"
- Thank You Tara for igniting a fire in me. What you said stirred me up, "If I only had 30 days to live this is NOT how I'm going to worship."
- As a team we keep on pushing the envelope, and it seems to be working.
- Leia said my name or something like it. She calls me "Tan-Tos" haha it's cool, I like it!
- Evelyn & Carolyn hooked it up, with some shrimp tacos :) and enchiladas. Just a quick way to say thank you to our pastor.
- At my dad's church the youth service was taken over by testimonies, God is doing great things in every ones lives.
- The Lord spoke a word to me for a young man, I delivered it with authority and he thanked me, it was all God He knew what this young man needed to hear.
- Went over the 5 fold ministry it was tough but they seemed receptive.
- Church was fun!
- Got to kick it with my family and my girlfriend! we had a time of talking politics and laughing!
- Amanda knows the right words to say, she encouraged me, made me feel like the MAN!
- God is GOOD!!!!
Posted by Santos Samayoa aka SantZ, Chato...hey it's still me at 9:40 PM 0 comments
Labels: Sunday Night REwind
CWC World Changers Conference
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Yesterday was our very own CWC World Changers Conference, but more than that it was going to be a time of ordination. Several individuals from our very own CWCSJ were given the title of Ministers and Pastors! Individuals such as Julie Grimes, Jenny Santana, Katalina Lopez, James Landa, and Anthony Vasquez. It was a time of worshiping, honoring, and celebrating. For me I was proud of each and every person who was on the frontlines, I know it's not easy but these individuals have fought the good fight, but it doesnt stop here it's just the start of a new chapter. Proud of you guys! (I'll be posting some pictures pretty soon!)
On another note our Senior Pastor, Pastor Dan Vera, TORE IT UP!! speaking on the valley of dry bones he brought a whole new element, that I myself haven't heard before. Here are some quick notes:
- Ezekiel 37:1-3
- The Valley is where you will be formed.
- The hand of the Lord is upon YOU!
- Your abilities mean nothing without the Hand.
- The things you go through will characterize your ministry.
- He brings you out to bring you to your destiny.
- When God places you there no one can take you away!
- You don't pastor a church, you pastor a city!
- The Results are up to God!
Posted by Santos Samayoa aka SantZ, Chato...hey it's still me at 4:19 PM 0 comments
Labels: Church
"Who Said that?"
Thursday, November 6, 2008
- "When a man realizes his littleness, his greatness can appear!" -H.G Wells
- "How does one become a butterfly? You must want to fly so much that you are willing to give up being a caterpillar." -Trina Pallus
- "When you come to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on!" -Franklin D. Roosevelt
- "Give me 100 preachers who fear nothing but sin and desire nothing but God, and I care not a straw whether they be clergymen or laymen; such alone will shake the gates of hell and set up the kingdom of heaven on Earth. God does nothing but in answer to prayer." -John Wesley
- "The worst thing that could ever happen to a fighter happened, you got CIVILIZED!" -Mickey
- "Lead by your convictions not your conditions." -SantZ
- "When you're not self-controlled, you're out of control." -Shaun Blakeney
- "Nothing is real if you don't believe in yourself!" -Rocky
- “The biggest barrier to other people seeing the beauty God has put in you may be you.” -Perry Noble
Posted by Santos Samayoa aka SantZ, Chato...hey it's still me at 10:56 AM 0 comments
Labels: "Who Said That?"
Our New President!
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Today was a historic day! whether you are a Obama follower or a McCain follower today we elected a new president. Something that I enjoyed about this years election was number 1. I got to vote! I've always had this mindset that "oh why vote it's not like if it's going to count?" well if you think like that, then you're wrong, your vote does count and can make a difference. 2. This election got America to do something together. No matter if you were Republican or Democrat today every American was at the polls voting for whomever they wanted. 3. I enjoyed following the debates and the race for our president. It's weird I never thought I'd like politics, alright I still don't but it gets kind of competitive, I think that's what I enjoyed about it the most.
Today America has elected Barack Obama to be our 44th president, Regardless if you checked his name on your ballot or not, we have a special duty to do for our president and that is to pray for him.
Posted by Santos Samayoa aka SantZ, Chato...hey it's still me at 8:47 PM 0 comments
Labels: my life
Celebrating Victories
Monday, November 3, 2008
Posted by Santos Samayoa aka SantZ, Chato...hey it's still me at 10:53 PM 0 comments
Labels: Church
Living in the MOMENT
Today was one of the best days I've ever had, it was so cool just hanging out with my mom. I know I know I'm a mommas boy but even now that I see her practically everyday I really don't spend that much quality time with her. What amazed me today was what this lady from lenscrafters said about our family. First off she was impressed at how patient I was, to tell you the truth I wanted to be home but I was just there to support my mom and help interpret for her, but I'm glad for twitter kept me busy! anyways her last remark blew me away... so I decided to take a picture of my sister and my mom and we were all just laughing saying that she looked like the Hispanic Sarah Palin (haha not really) and the lady told us "Wow I've never seen a family so close and have so much fun, I enjoyed helping you guys."
As soon as she said that I remembered our new series "30 days to live" and what P. Ant preached about "Living in the moment" why wait till someone tells you when it's your turn to kick the bucket, live out every moment as if it were your last!
Posted by Santos Samayoa aka SantZ, Chato...hey it's still me at 8:15 PM 0 comments
Labels: my life