As we are strolling into the closing of another year we, as a church are pushing the envelope. Lately at CWC Milpitas we have been driven to change the way we do church. Yes we are sticking with what has brought us success but we are changing things up, we are pushing the envelope. Lately Pastor Anthony has been speaking to us, his team, about one word innovation. You could check out his post on it right here. We've decided to change a few things especially in this series "30 days to live." Each week we've been changing things up.First it was unfolding this series, weren't really sure how people would have taken it but I think it is making all of us think, second we introduced a new face lift to our stage. Who could've thought that a couple of lights here and there would make such a difference, and lastly we brought out a coffin to make a statement that life is to short not to live it out. So what's next? well for that you'll just have to check it out or keep posted.
Undefeated Lifestyle
6 years ago
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