Today was just that, it was not just another day! usually I'll end my day of work at 3, then I'll call or text Amanda while running to the the shuttle. Everything seemed to go as followed but then it happened, it became not just another day!
From the corner of my eye I saw a face which seemed familiar but also looked as if something was wrong, real wrong. Being helped by an unknown lady (which I like to call an Angel) my old manager from Starbucks gripped the hands of this woman. My ex-manager FRIEND was in desperate help. See she suffers from epilepsy. For those of you who don't know what that is, here is a quick definition brought to you from wikipedia: Epilepsy is a common chronic neurological disorder characterized by recurrent unprovoked seizure.
I'll never forget the look on her face, it was as if I had been her family friend of twenty years, she gripped my arms and with all her might uttered the words "thank you" We hopped on the shuttle and headed to her doctors.
I was shocked, scared, and thankful that I was even outside at that moment. I started praying in my head and just trying to hold a conversation with her. I've never been in this situation, but it was sad to see a person who I looked up to and took orders from now being in a situation of help and barely being able to speak. It absolutely broke my heart.
I can't believe how it must feel like living with this illness, but I know that she is a strong woman and that one day God will heal her, He did it for my mom and I know He can do it for her. So I ask that you may, in your quiet time pray for my friend.
Undefeated Lifestyle
6 years ago