Killing Cockroaches pt.1

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Recently I just finished a book, "Killing Cockroaches" by Tony Morgan, that has totally challenge the way I think about "How to do Church." Now a quick background, I have been raised in church spent most of my time sleeping under a pew when I was younger, tried so hard to rebel but I just couldn't because the fear of God (you know the one your parents tell you about like when He will ZAPP you as soon as you enter a movie theatre), and now I help out at my church with whatever I can do. Church for me can just become something that is routine. You know you come to through those doors and you expect some older individual to give you a handshake and a bulletin and tell you God bless you, then you enter the sanctuary only to hear the same songs playing and the same people on stage, if the songs didn't get you well the preaching will because instead of giving something attainable, applicable and astounding the preacha man just goes through a long history about who Jesus was...Ok if you read through all that you might be laughing (b/c thats your church) or you might be sick in your stomach because you church still hasn't changed.

So throughout this week I am going to bring up some main ideas, that I wrestled with, which Tony wrote about and I'm just going to share with you, the reader.
(If you are a church leader get your hands on this book it really challenges the status quo on how to do church?)

Ok with that said I just want to leave you off with this one question that I asked myself as I read through this book...
"Can CULTURE and CHRIST crossbreed?"

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