Who will you vote for?

Friday, October 31, 2008

It's time to VOTE!! First of all I am really excited about this year, why? because I finally registered to vote. It took a while for me to vote, roughly around 5 years! (sorry) There is a huge buzz around this years election and frankly both major candidates leave me wanting to submit an absentee ballot. Although it's a hard decision to make I think I have come to a conclusion, I will be voting for...haha, anyways this vote is not a laughing matter and I'm not sure where you stand either with Obama or with McCain just understand this, that as faithful Christians and Americans we owe it to our country and to God to vote! so let you voice and convictions be heard Novemebr 4th!!
I had a hard time coming to my conclusion but here are a couple of blog post that helped me define my conclusion:

  1. Cameron Strang- Founder and Editor of Relevant (One of the BEST post, pretty long though)
  2. Perry Noble- Senior Pastor of New Spring church (This post is in your face, no corners, just straight to the point!)
  3. Ed Young- Founder of Ed Young Ministries, has this series online or on itunes called "Politicked" (He says he will tell you who you should vote for, this will be interesting)

I'm Back

Thursday, October 30, 2008

I took a loooooooong break from blogging and a lot of other stuff, but I'm back! Just want to say thank you for all of you who were able to shoot up a prayer for me, I felt it, and for that i know can say that I am healed, Thank You Jesus!
Well where do I start....It's been an amazing week and we going to be rolling into another great weekend starting this Friday with our very own Harvest Party here at CWC Milpitas also we will be starting our new series this Sunday, "30 days to live." (rumor has it that Troy & I will be speaking)

Before I can post anything else I just want to share my heart a bit with what God has been dealing with me lately:

God has put the book of Exodus in my heart, just to read and study. So far so good, I'm glad I did because I am learning new insights from Moses. I’m coming to believe that Moses is my favorite bible character, besides Jesus you know. I am 6 chapters into the book and I want more! Yes I know the story, my mind already jumps to the finale but new things seem to be jumping and standing out. Moses was a great man, but it was Gods plan for his life that kept him aligned. "For every plan of God there needs to be a man (or woman) of God." How easy would life be if we all had a single road map with directions telling us what to expect and what steps to take, life would be easy, right? God gave us this life with a couple of mysteries that only we can figure out by taking those steps of faith. As of this point my life seems to be in a hazy journey where I'm not so sure of my next step, but I kind of like it because it forms a dependency on God. The book of Proverbs concludes that the beginning of wisdom is the fear of the lord. Fearing him not like I fear Freddy Kruger but fearing him knowing that in him are all things and that without him my life will be a living nightmare. I need him, so I fear him. In a way my fear produces more faith, and the only way to please God is by faith!

Prayer Request!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Hey everyone I was battling in putting this post up but if I believe in Prayer why not? Well I'm asking your help in praying for some of my needs, if you can and have time shoot up a prayer for me, please!

  • My throat- It's been killing me. I need a healing, and a quick one. I went to the doctors and they said I have a severe throat infection.
  • A new job proposal- I was suprised to even be asked about this job opening but I truly believe it's all God, just been working with the company for 3 months. There is a lot to do here but if it's God's will the door will remain opened for me.
  • School- missed a mid-term yesterday, but emailed the teacher hopefully he has as much grace as God does (maybe not).
  • Our Harvest month- This is my 5th harvest month with CWC and I'm as excited as my first year. Pray that God will do a great might work in the souls that will get saved there.

Now What?

Monday, October 20, 2008

"They went past the first and second guards and came to the iron gate that separated them from the city. The gate opened by itself for them, and they went through it. When they had walked down one street, the angel suddenly left him." -Acts 12:10

Peter finally experiences freedom! The Angel of God leads him out of prison but all of a sudden disappears. Now What? I don't know but I could just imagine Peter asking himself that very question, "Now What God? you took me out of the first and second guards and we passed the gates of the prison, and now you just leave me out here in the middle of the streets, Now What?" Doesn't it feel sometimes like God is leading us, and we can feel it too, then all of a sudden He is no where in sight. I have experienced those moments myself, but I don't think God leaves us half way just because, but I think he plays a little game of hide and seek. He wants us to search more passionately, more intimately, and with more persistence. Just because God is doing a great work in our lives does not mean we have to let down our pursuit for him.

There will come times when I do feel like God has left me alone and I too might ask my self that question, "Now What?" but it's in those times where I have to remember Deuteronomy 31:8 It's these times where I have to remind myself that I am not alone, but GOD is on my side!

Lord I just want to say how grateful I am to be called your son, that even when I think you're not there and I may question your integrity, you are a man of your word and you say that you will never leave me nor forsake me. Forgive me for ever not believing you, I take this word as a reminder and as a word of comfort that lets me know you are with me and I am with you.


There is a new series happening in NewSpring, that every woman MUST check out and guys too. It's titled: "Beautiful, A series for Women and the Men who pursue them." It's pretty insightful and real cool!

Everyone loves money

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Today was an interesting day, I listened to my podcast as I walked to school and then started my journaling session. What was surprising was that both my journal and the Podcast both related to FINANCES. Finances is something that all of us deal with, money makes this world go around, but God has a different twist on the way the world looks at money. I heard this message by Perry Noble on Money. He says that 16 out of the 28 parables are about money!
So my journey started off here in Malachi 3 and just a couple of verses into it God asks a profounding question, "Should a person rob God?"
Well this question kind of irritates you, or at least it does for me. I was raised in church and was always preached by my parents, "Remember to take 10% for your tithes." As a kid i really just wanted to say HECK NO! I didn't understand the principle that my parents were trying to instill in my life. Well I have to thank my mom and pops for that valuable lesson that I will cherish and instill in my family one day. As I got older and started sweating for my money I also noticed something else, and here is a confession, "It started getting harder to TITHE!" Just because my paychecks were getting larger and larger (yeah right) my hand held my money tighter and tighter. Today I realized the many times that I robbed God. Several times that I missed giving my tithes, or didn't give when I should've, but before I get all down I'll never forget how God came through for me. See I have given tithes and I still do, but I remember my biggest check that I ever received. I honestly didn't want to give all my tithe because that would be almost $100. I wrestled with God, and finally he challenged me to give, not just 10% but 15% and guess what I was OK with that. I really didn't see any fruit but in His time God blessed me, double of what I tithed. I stood there with a new check and I remember telling God thanks because He kept his promise.
There is something that Perry Noble says in his message, "God doesn't need your money, you need Gods blessing!" this is so true, we need Gods blessing for our lives. If we trust God with our money, we will see more of Him in our lives.


Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Well so far this week seems like it's getting busier and busier, but just wanted to share some quick blogs that really encouraged me.

The first one is for any leader who has felt insecure at one point. This really spoke to me because I have fallen int this category several times. I allow what people think to determine my potential. It's crazy the plans that God has for one, they seem to big and too far fetched almost impossible but still God calls, will you and I answer? If you have ever felt insecure about leading well check this out.

The next blog is from one of my favorite bloggers Perry Noble. He writes about something that P. Nick spoke about last Friday, which he titled "Purposely Seeking." This blog just adds more detail to what P. Nick was speaking about.

Sunday Night REwind

Sunday, October 12, 2008

  • Woke up and read some emails, and listened to this interview of one of the most influential pastors of this generation Perry Noble.
  • We ended our current series: Everyone. Can't wait for what is next.
  • I'm getting excited, Disney Land is right around the corner, Yesssss!!!
  • Ant suprised me with an on the spot intro! thank you, haha.
  • CWCMilpitas is about to have a website, I'm really stoked bout this! making things more proffessional.
  • Amanda and I went to eat out at Pasta Pomodoro, had some chicken Parmesan, yummy.
  • Talked to my brother, he might start a blog, but ya he's doing good.
  • My Grama is home, so you know what that means...!PUPUSAS!
  • Finally got to see my mom and sister, although I see them almost everyday, I still miss them.
  • Took my Sunday afternoon nap, not as long as i hoped but it was good enough.
  • Amanda came all the way from SJ to pick up her phone that she left in the car (if leaving your phone in the car means getting to see you again, then you should leave your phone more often, haha)
  • Church was good over here, the youth is really stepping up! 3 of them spoke today and I was so proud of ALL of them.
  • My mom closed service today, now I know where I get it from.
  • Today was an overall Great day!
  • Thanks to EVERYONE who made this day Great.

Velvet Elvis

Thursday, October 9, 2008

I was on Bart today after hanging out with Amanda and I started listening to this old audio book that I purchased on iTunes along time ago called "Velvet Elvis" by: Rob Bell. Here are some quick notes I jotted down while on Bart.

  • "Salvation is for all of me"
  • "No amount of success can heal ones soul."
  • "Wherever you go, there you are"
  • "It's easier to keep going than to stop!"
  • "They (Pastors) are to scared to look weak!"
  • "Are you smoking what you're selling?" :)
  • "Jesus rarely gave answers, but ASKED several questions."
  • "Disciple-to be like their rabbi"
  • "If you see your discipler walk on water, then you believe you can be like him."
  • "The Rabbi has faith in his disciples."
  • "Rabbi's choose disciples not because of who they are but who they can become."
  • "Jesus leaves, but trusts His disciples to make more disciples."
  • "Jesus believes in me, God has faith in me, and the Rabbi knows I can be like him."

Who are you pleasing?

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Keeping up with this weeks series "Change Happens" I have to say sorry for not posting anything yesterday, but I was CHANGING things up in my room I gave it a new look! I like it, there is more space and hey it looks cleaner!
Today's reading brought up one verse that just bothered me. I mean WHY would Jesus want this for our lives? I think Luke must have been writing this real late and must have gotten some words mixed up. So what is this scripture that I'm talking about you might be asking? well here it is...

Luke 21:17 says "ALL people will HATE you because you follow ME."
I mean how could this be, why would Jesus say that ALL (and that is a lot of people) people will hate me because I follow Him? The lifestyle that Jesus lived is contrary...wait let me go back, the lifestyle of this world is contrary to the lifestyle that Jesus lived. Ever since Jesus stepped into the picture, starting in Matthew, He seemed to do everything a tad bit different. Being born from a virgin wasn't really the proper way to come here on Earth, performing miracles on sacred days was cool but went against every religious leaders calendar, giving up one's life for people that He didn't even see (like me and you) has us in awe. Jesus seemed to do things just a little bit different. It really shook up the norm, irritated the status quo, and for those reasons and many more the people HATED Jesus.
So I came to think that if everyone is always happy and loving you, are you living the lifestyle of Jesus? The biggest struggle, I think, is when we get caught up pleasing man rather than pleasing God. We put all our focus in catering what man wants that we forget this is not our church but it's Gods church. So if you haven't experienced HATE in one way or another, you must question your lifestyle, "Am I living a life that is contrary to Jesus or constantly like Jesus?"
If our life is to be Christ followers mustn't we EXPERIENCE his lifestyle. I mean if we are expecting to be hated on by this world, I'm also expecting those miracles, those multitudes, the out of the box teachings, and everything else that was and is Christ.
if we do find ourselves trying to please man we have to CHANGE our methods and minds and remember that the only way to please Him is by FAITH!

Change Happens

Monday, October 6, 2008

Have you ever had a hard time seeing, finding, or just experiencing Jesus? I know I have. In our reading today Zacchaeus also had a hard time seeing Jesus. Luke 19:3-4 explains that Zacchaeus had a hard time seeing Jesus mainly because of his height, most of us might remember singing this song when we were younger.
So what happens when our view of Jesus gets faint? what can we do? well I am trying some new things to freshen up my quiet time with the Lord.

  1. Changing the scene- I don't know where you journal or spend time with the Lord, but I usually spend my devotion time in front of the computer in my office (not really an office but it's my room) I've decided to change things up!
    •first I'm going to try changing the look of my room, the feeling of something NEW makes all the difference.
    •I'm also going to try journaling in different places this week, changing the scene.
  2. "Brand" your week- I remember Ant used to pick a word or a phrase to start his week, and he would apply that word or phrase throughout the week in his journaling. Every month our church tries to "brand" a new series. This month was "Everyone" and soon we will be entering into "One Month to live." Try branding your week by making titles for your focus point. This weeks series, for myself, is entitled "Change Happens."
  3. New translation- There are several translations out there, but which one is the best for you? well only you can decide that. I have always used the 'NKJV' just because that's all I really knew that was out there, but now I have been reading the 'NCV' version which I really enjoy and recommend but I think I'm coming to a point where I might choose a new translation, thinking about 'NLT'. What has worked for you?
  4. Accountability- This one might be something that I have heard for a long time but at times I refuse to do. Staying accountable helps me stay focus and on track. Even this blog is a great way to stay accountable to all of you. Accountability isn't meant to condemn you but to challenge you. I'm going to choose around 2-3 ppl to stay accountable to with my devotional time.

What's on YOUR IPod?

Well I just wanted to share my top ten songs/podcast that are playing on my Ipod at this very moment.

1. How he loves Us- Kim Walker
2. La nina de tus ojos- Daniel Calveti
3. Forgive Me- Group1Crew
4. New Spring Church podcast- Perry Noble
5. Far Away- Nickelback
6. More than I- Commissioned
7. Experience Life Church podcast- Chris Galanos
8. No matter what- T.I
9. Whatever it takes- Life House
10. Still- Hillsong

What's on YOUR Ipod?

Sunday Night REwind

Sunday, October 5, 2008

  • Woke up this morning feeling hecka tired!
  • Had to teach Best question ever today.
  • woke up with my heart feeling heavy, still not sure why?
  • Had a personal talk with P. Ant on the way to church, things are starting to shift in our lives.
  • Church was different, but in a good way, routine was changed and the congregation was challenged.
  • There was a whole family who came to visit all the way from Merced, they found us on the news paper. I honestly think it was all God, they needed to hear and experience today.
  • Worship was AMAZING, like always. but they (worship team) brought it in a whole different way today.
  • Pastor Anthony had his A-game today, and it was definitely needed!
  • "People" are tough to deal with, but that's is my passion.
  • The church and myself are all going through it, but it's making us STRONGER!
  • Check out this blog that has really encouraged me and the CWC Milpitas team.
  • Amanda looked so gooooooood today ;)
  • Talked with my brother, i hecka miss him, but he's hard tyming it like always, haha sorry JR.
  • I left the keys inside P.Nicks office so I had to jump over, really dumb.
  • We were invited to go to Claim Jumpers, but I had to deny because I was fasting, ahhhh, well it was worth it.
  • After prayer at my dads church, we all headed to SIZZLERS, now it wasn't no Claim Jumpers but hey it hit the spot.
  • Watched the Red Sox lose to Angels, booo!
  • Chatting with Amanda while typing this
  • Watching the food network, their making Fried Chicken and Waffles! can you say HELLA GOOD!!
  • Going to hit the shower and get ready for bed.
  • I think my sister is getting sick so I need to becareful


Saturday, October 4, 2008

  • Esther 1:4- These guys knew how to PARTY!!
  • Esther 1:12- Don't make any decisions while you're filled with emotions, whether anger or excitement.
  • Esther 1:13- King Xerxes had his group of wise council, 7 men, who he asked for advice before making a decision. Who is in your realm of wise men or women?
  • Esther 1:20- Lately I've been hearing this podcast about relationships and marriage (I wonder why?) you can check it out here, but they have concluded that women need LOVE while men need RESPECT.
  • Esther 1:22- Husbands/Men we have the RESPONSIBILITY to LEAD!
  • Esther 2:3- This reminded me of a beauty pageant and the movie "Mrs. Congeniality."
  • Esther 2:12- Before Esther could meet with the king she had to prepare for 1 YEAR! just to meet with him. How are you preparing for your visit with the King of Kings?
  • Esther 2:17- Esther had to be FINE and FAVORED, to be the one chosen amongst all those other women.
  • Psalms 150- PRAISE the Lord!
  • Luke 17:2- Don't be the cause of some one else's sin.
  • Luke 17:3-4- As hard as it is to forgive WE need to know how to FORGIVE those that have hurts us.
  • Luke 17:12-13- Jesus sees and hears you even if you are FAR away from Him.
  • Luke 17:16- Why the emphasis on "Samaritan" well in those days the "Samaritans" were the lowest of the lows, nobody expected much from them, so to see this "Samaritan" come back was a HUGE shock.
  • Luke 17:21-God's Kingdom is already IN you!
  • Luke 17:30- "Jesus is Coming!" Now i have heard that since I was a little kid, but never has his word and what is happening around this world line up as much as it is now a days that all I can say is "Jesus is Coming, soon!"

Friday Night Highlights

Friday, October 3, 2008

So I decided to give the Fuse it's own section called Friday Night Highlights! well here goes another recap of tonight's great service:

  • Well P. Nick and other married couples were out at the Marriage Conference, where they were, in Tee's Words "Getting their WORSHIP on"
  • Tee preached today! and she did an INCREDIBLE job!
  • I decided to help Tee out by making a background for her slides, they were aiight.
  • Thank B.J for the HELP! couldn't do it without you.
  • Finally got to see Amanda, it felt like I haven't seen her in hecka long.
  • Here are some notes from tonights sermon:
    Deuteronomy 25:17-19 (Honestly i think I have never seen this scripture EVER, but dang it Rocked my World!!)
    It's Easy to lead when everything is going good.
    No body wanted to mess with Moses when he was on top of his game.
    The Lord will give you REST!
    The PROMISE is much GREATER!
    It's easy to give up when you're tired.
  • It was Crazy while Tee was preaching, the Lord led me to a scripture that lined up with Tees sermon--> Isaiah 57:10, if you are a leader and has felt tired read this!!
  • We ended by worshiping to a new song, well not really new, I think someone forgot the lyrics but it was FUNNY! "there is a place where I change..." haha!
  • Oh yeah Manda went up to help sing, I love when she worships!!


Thursday, October 2, 2008

“In the same way, I tell you there is more joy in heaven over one sinner who changes his heart and life, than over ninety-nine good people who don’t need to change.”
-Luke 15:7
Throughout this presidential campaign one candidate has proposed one word, and with this one word it brings a whole heap of responsibilities and a lot of work. So what is this one word and which candidate am I talking about? Well it’s none other than Barack Obama with his one word slogan “Change!” I thought to myself, “It’s going to take a lot to change this world.Change is and will always be a difficult thing to do. But before we can change anything we have to identify what it is that we need to change. In this verse there are two things that change 1. His heart and 2. His Life. Our hearts are the first thing that need to change. In Matthew 6:21 Jesus goes on to explain that whatever we treasure the most there our hearts will be also. If I treasure my money then that is where my heart is, if I treasure a sports team that is where my heart is, or if I treasure an individual that is where my heart is. But God wants our HEARTS! Our first thing we need to change is our hearts, God needs to be above everything else. My dad once told me, “God is so big that he fits that He fits the world in His hands, yet so small He can fit inside your heart.” The second thing that needs to change is our Life. If our lifestyle does not match our hearts than what are we preaching, a false Jesus? First point I have to make is that change is a process! It definitely is not an over night wish upon a shooting star kind of thing. Like P.Nick said one time, We are habitual creatures. In our lives we have learned both good and bad things whether it was from our parents, media, or peers, we pick up things. Our Christian walk is going to be a process rolled up with problems only to find Gods promises. Change is needed!

I loved these two areas of change because they display a spiritual and a physical area of our lives. In my life I know I still need to change things. As much as I want to say or think that as soon as I said yes to Jesus that all my urges and slight addictions were going to be removed, their not. Now I’m glad I can say that I am free of major addictions but it doesn’t mean that I don’t get tempted. In order for me to live a life that is changed I have to be willing to change. The willngness to change depends on the willingness to stand and fight. Like I said earlier change is not an easy subject, it’s taking everything that you and I were and transforming it to everything that God designed us to be. Are you willing to change? I am.

Lord Help me to change from the inside out. Amen