•Pastor Matt Preached today on: The POWER OF PERCEPTION
•The Youth Joined us for worship, elevated the whole worship experience
•I was nervous doing the slides, had to use a program that I never used before, like Keynote. As much that I was nervous it ended up being easy.
•The Youth worship team took over and tore it up, Milpitas Worship team had their first day off, phew!
•We opened up our new life group series: The Best Question Ever? Want to know what it is? come join us @ 9am in the Milpitas Campus.
•After service we had our 1st Team meeting, which included individuals that carry leadership qualities. We had around 11 future potential leaders, and they all were excited about the opportunities of growth in the church. This kind of stuff excites me! The church will grow as much as the leaders grow.
•After that meeting we had an in house meeting with the Hawaii Team. P. Ant shared three simple prayers that we will be praying as a team:
2. Lord ruin me.
3. Lord heal me.
•Our church picnic is right around the corner, sept. 7th! that also means masters commission begins, yesss!!
•Picked up Amanda and headed home. Stopped at BK, only had $5 to spend, thank God for the dollar menu.
•The youth at my dads church was having their 1st Youth service. We had to learn how to sing a song, with that said you know how bad it was, haha j/k :)
•Getting ready for bed. This was a long day, thought it would never end. Gnite everyone!