"and the handkerchief that had been around His head, not lying with the linen cloths, but folded together in a place by itself." John 20:7
Peter and John finally get to the tomb after a long sprint, To there surprise the words of Mary Magdalene were true when she told them the body of Jesus was missing. Although they could not find His body they did find something else. They found a lonely handkerchief. Now what kind of significance does that have? I'm not proposing those healing handkerchiefs on tv or anything, but this handkerchief represented something else. I heard it say that in those times the carpenters would carry some type of handkerchief or cloth, and after hours spent working on their project whether it was a desk, chair, or a table to show that they were complete with this project they would fold this cloth or handkerchief and lay it on the finished item to show that they had completed this project. So in Jesus' case the tomb is empty except for this lonely handkerchief that has a whole lot of meaning. Jesus' project was complete, what he came on earth to do wasn't to design another dinner table but to die for you and for me.
Undefeated Lifestyle
6 years ago
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