Jeremiah 38:7-8
But Ebed-Melech, a Cushite and a servant in the palace, heard that the officers had put Jeremiah into the well. As King Zedekiah was sitting at the Benjamin Gate, Ebed-Melech left the palace and went to the king. Ebed-Melech said to him, "My master and king, these rulers have acted in an evil way. They have treated Jeremiah the prophet badly. They have thrown him into a well and left him there to die! When there is no more bread in the city, he will starve to death."
• What happens when you have only 1 OPPORTUNITY! one opportunity to shine, to be the man/woman, to put your name in the history books. Would you take it? Or let it slip away? There is part of Eminiem’s “Lose yourself” song which describes this moment “Look, if you had, one shot, or one opportunity To seize everything you ever wanted-One moment Would you capture it, or just let it slip?” this is where Ebed-Melech finds himself. With sweaty palms, stomach turning, thoughts about “should I do this or not?” Look, I believe God ordains opportunities in our lives not for us to go through but to show Gods power. See the bible is filled with men and women that are preached about every Sunday that seized their opportunities. But one name you and I might have never heard before is Ebed-Melech. He was a lonely Eunuch, a servant of King Zedekiah. Humble beginnings lead to powerful endings. E-man (Ebed-Melech) might have not known how to save Jeremiah, might have never had the guts to ask the king a question, or might have never had to take a step out of the comforts of the palace. But what happens when God opens that window of opportunity, will you take it? Or will you coward down because you decide to take inventory of WHY YOU CAN’T? God creates opportunities, it’s just up to us to take them.
Undefeated Lifestyle
6 years ago
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