Maybe you read my blog and you know me, maybe you read my blog and you don't know me, or just maybe you don't read my blog at all. Whichever the case maybe, I just want to ask a favor from you! I need your prayers!! I know it seems like a christian cliché but I believe prayer works and God moves at the sound of his children. So if you have some time in your quiet place remember me, I am at a decision point and I want to do what's best for God and for me (kinda sounds selfish, I know). That's it, i'm posting this blog through my phone the first of many.
My Life
Friday, January 30, 2009
Posted by Santos Samayoa aka SantZ, Chato...hey it's still me at 6:37 AM 0 comments
Labels: my life
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Hey everyone well just something quick that I just started this year or in the middle of January is I started a YOUVERSION account. Basically it's an online bible but it allows you to post comments, thoughts, journals up on the web (pretty cool) anyways just wanted to inform you that I've been posting random thoughts on their. It's totally free and a good way to allow others to see what you and the rest of the world are thinking about. Check it out sign up and follow me as I go on this YOUVERSION journey.
Posted by Santos Samayoa aka SantZ, Chato...hey it's still me at 8:15 PM View Comments
Labels: my life
Friday Night Highlights
Saturday, January 24, 2009
P. Nick is bringing it every week, I really feel that this is the year for the FUSE to GROW, but it is going to take a lot of hard work from US. Here are some notes I managed to take:
- Romans 5:6-8 (Footnotes not included, haha, inside joke)
- While you were in the deepest sin, He still LOVED you.
- People need to know one thing, that they are LOVED by Christ.
- Before you accept someone in your life you want to know that they accept you to.
- We have a screwed up portrait of who God is.
- If you commit the biggest sin ever, He still LOVES you.
- You can't escape God's LOVE.
- Don't let the door knob hit you where the good Lord split you (haha, just wanted to add this so I wouldn't forget, where do you come up with this stuff)
- When you run away from the LOVE of God all you get is pig slop.
- Slavery mentality- You think you don't deserve nothing good because you've done all these bad things.
- The father ran to his son (God will meet you where you're at)
- No matter what he (you) did the father (God) LOVED him.
- You don't have to come nice and cleaned up to God, He says come just as you are.
- Don't walk around in guilt, shame, or condemnation. Keep your head up!
- God doesn't remember your past why do you?
Posted by Santos Samayoa aka SantZ, Chato...hey it's still me at 9:33 AM View Comments
Labels: Friday Night Highlights
Calling All MC's!!
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Well this is for all MC's out there, and just in case you don't know what that means it's Masters Commission Disciples. I know you are getting ready for Dallas, phone calls, texting, emails, everything. This year SJMC is going to be heading out to Dallas for their yearly Conference, if you want to help them out just click here.
Hey MC I know how crunch time gets, I was there before, but today I want to issue a challenge for ALL of YOU, ready? ok in my comment box I want you to write your best experience in MC thus far? Be specific, details, make it you. It could be funny (John) serious (Tee) or just plain Inspirational (Samson) whatever it may be I/we want to hear about it. Winner will receive a prize...what is it? well a lil somethin somethin. Here are the instructions:
- Leave a comment answering question above
- Comment can't be longer than 140 characters (I don't want to read an essay, haha)
- Just be you!
- SUNDAY at 11:59pm is the deadline so you basically have 1 day
- Winner will be announced on Next Week (stay tuned, I'll keep you updated)
Posted by Santos Samayoa aka SantZ, Chato...hey it's still me at 5:56 PM View Comments
Labels: my life
Who are you telling?
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
As I read and thought about what I will journal about one verse kept tugging at me, it's found in Luke 21:13 "But this will be YOUR opportunity to tell them about me."
I started thinking about opportunities that I have had to tell others about Jesus? and sad to say I haven't had one, or haven't found one. But then I started thinking about this Blog, and about Twitter, and about Facebook, and about the Internet. Maybe sharing My/Your faith doesn't always have to be a face to face encounter. Who knows someone on the other side of this screen might be clinging on to every word that I am writing because they need to know about the LOVE of Jesus. One thing I've learned in life is that opportunities come in all shapes and sizes, and most of the time they never come in the nice package you were expecting.
With that said I challenge every Blogger, Twitter-er, Face Booker, Myspacer, and what ever other -er is out there, use this or any other platform as your opportunity to tell THEM about Jesus!
Posted by Santos Samayoa aka SantZ, Chato...hey it's still me at 9:28 PM 0 comments
Monday, January 19, 2009
When we think about Martin Luther King Jr. We all remember his great speech, or atleast a part of that speech, "I have a dream!" I remember being young and learining about MLK in school. For some this is just a day to get off of work but for others this is a time to reflect on the past and keep moving forward. Here are some MLK Quotes, enjoy:
- A man who won't die for something is not fit to live.
- A nation that continues year after year to spend more money on military defense than on programs of social uplift is approaching spiritual doom.
- Almost always, the creative dedicated minority has made the world better.
- An individual has not started living until he can rise above the narrow confines of his individualistic concerns to the broader concerns of all humanity.
- At the center of non-violence stands the principle of love.
- Change does not roll in on the wheels of inevitability, but comes through continuous struggle. And so we must straighten our backs and work for our freedom. A man can't ride you unless your back is bent.
- Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
- Every man must decide whether he will walk in the light of creative altruism or in the darkness of destructive selfishness.
- Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the whole staircase.
- Freedom is never voluntarily given by the oppressor; it must be demanded by the oppressed.
- I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.
- I want to be the white man's brother, not his brother-in-law.
- Life's most urgent question is: what are you doing for others?
- Love is the only force capable of transforming an enemy into friend.
Posted by Santos Samayoa aka SantZ, Chato...hey it's still me at 4:55 PM 0 comments
Friday Night Highlights
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Amazing service last night! Pastor Nick, who just started his blog check it out here, just laid out the vision for The Fuse '09! Anytime anyone speaks about vision I can't help but to get pumped up. Here are some qoutables that just fired me up:
- Pastor is the standard, I want to challenge you with my life.
- If I am not equipping you to do your job, then I SUCK at my job!
- I need to get you from being ministered to, to being a minister.
- You have the same Jesus I have.
- You are a miracle and you need to tell someone/everyone!
- Won by One
- What I am going to do is give you permission to live your God purpose.
Posted by Santos Samayoa aka SantZ, Chato...hey it's still me at 9:40 AM 0 comments
Labels: Friday Night Highlights
Accountability pt. 1
Friday, January 16, 2009
Well it's about to be 5 in the morning and I have been awake since 4 but it's funny how God speaks to one, or at least to me. This morning I woke up to "FaceBook" and saw that some friends are going to try to start a mini Accountability group via Facebook. Now how we will do this, not sure yet, but guessing of making a website (if anyone has experience in this let me know cuz we want to make something tight that isn't just for us but to spread around the web) that is user friendly and has lots of advice, stories, prayers, and links to various help out there.
Well After reading all that and getting pumped up about starting an accountability group I decided to pray and open up my bible. I started reading in Genesis 39. If you don't know what happens in this single chapter it's when Joseph is sent to Potiphars home, and even there God makes him successful! Everyone see's the success of this young man, even Potiphars wife (who I like to call HOT-TIPHAR, c'mon if you work with the king you aint gunna marry just anybody) So Hot-tiphar really really wants to have SEX with Joseph, it says that she came tempting and flaunting all her junk EVERYDAY!! How can a man resist THAT? Well Joseph did, and so can WE. Jospeh refused to lay all his dreams on the bed of sin, and we to may come up against many situations like this.
So gentlemen if HOT-tiphar is around in your life, I have 3 words for you...RUN FOREST RUN!!
Posted by Santos Samayoa aka SantZ, Chato...hey it's still me at 4:50 AM 0 comments
Labels: Journals
Identifying your strengths
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Read a great section in my book, "The Truth about you" by Marcus Buckingham, and just wanted to share a little quick bit on how to identify one's strength. We all can acknowledge that we are strong in some areas but also weak in other areas in life. I don't know about you but listing my weaknesses was ALOT easier than listing my strengths, but here is a great way to identify them:
Posted by Santos Samayoa aka SantZ, Chato...hey it's still me at 7:49 PM 0 comments
Labels: ponder points
Roller Coaster Ride
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
WOW!! My life seems to feel like a roller coaster ride right now!! I don't know about you, but I usually am scared before any ride I get on (FYI I don't do good on the little tea cup rides...blah) but then the thrill of being on the ride itself and the sense of accomplishment makes the fear seem like this lil itty-bitty thing. So in a sense my life seems like I am waiting in line for this gigantic, crazy, loopty-loop, 5 story drop ride!! and the closer I am getting to this ride in life the the farther I am from safety and comfort. I'm not even on the ride and I want to back out, but if I do I know I am going to regret it. Have you ever felt that way?
I know there is a cliche that goes around in the beginning of every New Year, "Change is going to happen this year!" Well I guess I missed the memo or no one ever told me that CHANGE was going to happen this SOON. Today my Pastor wrote something that spoke and is speaking to my heart right now, you can read about it here. I am faced with several decisions, opportunities, tasks, and future choices that will change everything. Many of these, my heart is settled but others my heart and mind just can't comprehend. I am waiting in line and every step that I take my heart feels like it's going to pop out of my chest, makes my hands sweat, and makes me want to take 2 steps backwards and start running away.
I write all these feelings down to find out that all this is just a part of an in-complacent life! I don't want to be average, I don't want to be normal, I wasn't called to live that life. Two things can happen on the way to the ride of your life:
I choose #2 how about you?
Posted by Santos Samayoa aka SantZ, Chato...hey it's still me at 8:44 PM 0 comments
Labels: my life
The BIG 5
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Welcome everyone!! well I am very EXCITED to launch to first of several posts on "The Big 5" you can read more about what it is on the link above. But enough waiting, let me present the first individual....
Well this individual has played a major role in my life and it seems like every and any person that he comes in contact he does the same. Some may call him hard worker, encourager, musician, athlete, but I like to call him my "brother!" I've enjoyed seeing him pursue his dreams and I can't wait for the BIG one to happen, pretty soon, He is married to a beautiful and devoted wife, please help me welcome #51 from Kansas State, Ulla Pomele:
2. What kind of leadership skills have you gained at Kansas State?I am stunned and in awe of what God has graciously done in my life. I can finally say that I am one step closer to becoming a professional athlete and even more. The year 09 feels much different than the past years. Before leaving California, family and friends asked if we were sad about going back to Kansas? My answer to them all is,
I AM READY TO GO TO WORK! I have never in my life spoke these words entering into a new year. I know that I’m going to face bigger and challenging obstacles, but I am willing to fight for my God, family, friends, and for the unborn generation. Nervous, you may ask? There is quite a large ton flowing through my body.
I can’t exactly tell you if I gained any, but I know without a doubt I’ve mature in some leadership skills.
3. What do you miss most of California?
I miss being together with my family and friends. And I can’t forget the food!
4. What experience have you learned from your wins? and your losses?
Wins: How to be content, consistent (more work at this area), increase of thankfulness and love, cherish and enjoy the moment.5. Best memory of SJMC?
Losses: Staying humble because it is very easy to complain, Gives me a great lesson on how to prepare myself in avoiding a lost or facing lost
There are many I can recall but the one that still runs the motor in my life is the quality time spent with You, Leebo, Ant & Tara & Zai, at the old house!

Posted by Santos Samayoa aka SantZ, Chato...hey it's still me at 4:33 AM 0 comments
Labels: The BIG 5
A couple more hours till...
Thursday, January 8, 2009
So I wanted to do something NEW today and also b/c I ran out of time. So we only have a few more hours till I have to go to bed, and we have to go do something. I recorded this short video on TokBox you can play it and it will explain what is happening in my life in the next couple hours.
Oh yeah if you want to see how I warm up check this out, it was pretty funny didn't know it was recording.
Well Gnite everyone, will keep you updated on our roadtrip, LA here we come!!
Posted by Santos Samayoa aka SantZ, Chato...hey it's still me at 8:26 PM 0 comments
Labels: my life
The Truth About You
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
A couple months back, way back, I won something, yes I WON SOMETHING. Now you may be wondering what I won, but first I just want to say what I had to do. Tony Morgan, the chief strategic officer (sounds like the best title/job EVER) at NewSpring, put up a challenge on his blog. He asked all his blog readers to write one single truth about him or herself. Well I decided to take a shot, since no one really wins anything. So I wrote, I wrote one truth about myself and you can check it out here. Might have to do a little searching to find my name, but I'm in there. So if you haven't read the post, Tony Morgan was giving away 5 free books, and I am the proud owner of a free copy of "The truth about YOU" by Marcus Buckingham.
I believe it was yesterday or Monday that P.Ant asked what books are we going to be reading this year? well I found my book, "The truth about you." I hope it does help me identify my strengths and weaknesses. Read the first chapter today and it's good and practical. Thank you Tony Morgan.
So as the New Year is here are there any New books on your list that you will be reading? any recommendations?
Posted by Santos Samayoa aka SantZ, Chato...hey it's still me at 8:28 PM 1 comments
Labels: my life
I don't have nothing!
S- But Abram said, "Lord God, what can you give me? I have no son, so my slave Eliezer from Damascus will get everything I own after I die." Abram said, "Look, you have given me no son, so a slave born in my house will inherit everything I have." -Genesis 15:2-3
O- I know it's not good to be jealous, but I'm jealous at the relationship that Abram (or Abraham) had with God. At one point in the scriptures it even mentions God standing up and leaving the presence of Abraham. WOW that is a deep one on one with God. But like every person that you like their might be one or two things that bother you and this is one of them. When God is talking one on one with Abraham, he does what ALL of us do, oh sorry what I do often, and that is he looked at what he didn't have instead of what God was telling him he will have. How many of us have been in this same scenario, a tug-o-war with God. He explains how He will use us in BIG and MIGHTY ways but we often can't see it happening b/c we are too focus on what we don't have. For some of us God is calling s to take risks, to give more, to do more but all in all we have to take our sight off the mirror and into the telescope.
A- I have buried many so called "great achievements for God" because of the fact that I look at myself rather than at God. Of course when I looked in the mirror I could see all my weaknesses, all my insecurities, all of my short comings and they have pushed back my walk with God. I'm understanding this in life, that everything I have achieved up to this point is not and could not have been because of ME but it was all because of HIM.
P- God today I don't look at myself, because if I do I will find an excuse not to believe, not to do your work, not to take a risk. I understand that I am in the middle of a turning point in my life and I NEED you. So no more looking at what I don't have but I look up to you and see what you have for me, a bright future.
Posted by Santos Samayoa aka SantZ, Chato...hey it's still me at 6:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: Journals
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Genesis 15:
2-3- don't look at what you don't have, look at what He has promised.
8-there always seems to be doubt when trusting God.
Genesis 16:
2-God doesn't need help!
8-"where have you come from & where are you going?"
11-The lord hears our cries
4- what agreement has God made with you?
6-what NEW nations (ministries) will be born from you?
7-He is YOUR God...MY God.
16-Proclaim this for your children: "Kings of nations will come from her"
21-Gods promises don't always happen in an instance, this one was going to take a full year. what have you been waiting for?
22-God rose? so was God sitting and talking with Abraham? man I want that kind of relationship with God.
Luke 6:
2- Jesus wasn't afraid to do things different, he pushed the buttons, even in church.
11-I think the pharisees were jealous of Jesus, b/c he was doing (miracles) what the pharisees were doing. You know what I'm guilty for doing the same. Why can't we celebrate with another man of God, everything doesn't have to be competition.
17-As leaders we have to come to a "level ground" with our followers.
18- This is for those who don't believe in going to conferences. People CAME to hear Jesus. Probably the cost wasn't $200 but the cost of walking to where He was, might equal $200.
27-31-I hope the words of Jesus bother you, because what he says just seem outrageous, but that is the life we are called to live.
37-The real "F" word=Forgive
38-there is a promise when we give, so why not?
40-our ultimate goal as students is to become like the teacher...Jesus.
46-If He is not LORD of ALL he's not LORD at ALL!
Posted by Santos Samayoa aka SantZ, Chato...hey it's still me at 6:38 PM 0 comments
Labels: Bible Journey
His love continues forever!
Monday, January 5, 2009
Today was the start of our "Week of Prayer" at CWC. I'm coming in this week with an expectancy like never before. I understand that our launch day is getting closer so the attacks are getting heavier. Tonight I just want to share a quick Psalms that the Lord showed me. During prayer I opened my bible to Psalms 136, it's a quick read and in order to understand what I am going to write you would have to have read the chapter.
Throughout this chapter ONE phrase is repeated several times, ONE phrase stands to be true, ONE phrase that is still applicable today and that is..."His LOVE continues forever!"
as I read through this chapter it seemed like after every sentence I would have to say, "His love continues forever." to my surprise at the end of the chapter I realized and memorized ONE truth about God, "His love continues forever."
I started to think about this chapter and applying it to my life how would this chapter look if I would of written it?
In times of joy, His love continues forever.
In times of Financial chaos, His love continues forever.
On this journey called life, His love continues forever.
When everything looked like it was going to fail, His love continues forever.
The times I cried and no one saw, His love continues forever.
Praying for God to do a miracle, His love continues forever.
Feeling at times like no one loved me, His love continues forever.
Doubts telling me I can't, His love continues forever.
In the middle of all of this, His love continues forever.
Posted by Santos Samayoa aka SantZ, Chato...hey it's still me at 10:30 PM 2 comments
Labels: Journals
Sunday Night REwind
- Woke up at the crack of dawn to go help set up @ SJ but the car was FROZEN!! and so was the field at Overfelt.
- Oh yeah it was FREEZING!! but it was cool to see that the ones helping set up were mainly from CWCM (not to brag) but it does reflect our leader.
- Chai tea latte @ Peetes coffee SUCKS!!
- Here are some notes from sunday's service, P. Ant really challenged everyone.
- Found out Jessica is heading out to Hawaii for school, at least I'll have one friend out in Hawaii, haha.
- Oh ya I got to post this, Friday Night we had a Rock Band party @ P.Nicks house (well I think we just invited ourselves) It was fun just kickin it w/ everyone. Here's a video but it's really bad (REAL BAD)
- It was so cool to have the Contrrerras with us (Jesse, Marsha, Elena, Julian, Raquel, & Katrina) they just bring new life to the church.
- Tonight I spoke about a tough subject @ MCEC. It was titled "Fighting for what's right." I explained some struggles that young people wrestle with, SEX being one of them.
- I have no experience in the SEX category but this is what I said. "I can't wait to have sex because I know it's going to be GOOD, in it's time. How many of you know that God created sex, and everything that God made is GOOD." you can bet that rose alot of eyebrows.
- We did a skit called "Dos seres hay en mi" you can watch it here.
- Amanda starts her estetician school tomorrow, I'm so excited for her! Go Amanda!!!
- I lay here on the floor of my room hearing...silence, my brother is gone :(
- Ok back to work tomorrow, so Gnite everyone.
- Keep me in prayers. This week at W.O.P (Week of Prayer) I'm asking God for an answer.
Posted by Santos Samayoa aka SantZ, Chato...hey it's still me at 6:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: Sunday Night REwind
Bowling with the CUZOS
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Hey everyone well here is a sneak peek into my life! One thing I love about my family is that we just like having fun check us out "Bowling with the Cuzos."
Posted by Santos Samayoa aka SantZ, Chato...hey it's still me at 9:13 PM 0 comments
Labels: my life
The Call is all that counts
Saturday, January 3, 2009
S-"that night some shepherds were in the fields nearby watching their sheep. then an angel of the lord stood before them. the glory of the lord was shining around them, and they became frightened." -Luke 2:8-9
O- I'm reminded of the first sermon I ever heard from T.D Jakes "the call is all that counts" the call of God is truly all that counts in life. I loved how Luke sets up this story. The birth of our lord & savior, but before he goes any further he mentions those that were called; which were the lonely shepherds. notice one thing though, the shepherds were working, they were living the life that God set out for them to live. In those times no one wanted to be a shepherd but that was who they were and in the middle of their assignment God calls them. Remember the call is all that counts. but look how they received the call...with fear! knowing the call that God has set upon my life to lead others has clinched my heart with fear several times. It seems that every call of God also brings a sort of fear. Just recently for the new years celebration I had a chance to talk with Mike G. about if he ever gets nervous or afraid up on stage, and with his simple answer he replied, "yes all the time." he asked me the same thing & I replied with the same answer but I also mentioned that "knowing myself I would never stand in front of a crowd and dare speak! that's just not me, I know myself." but see when the call is on your life, that's really all that counts. Fear gone, nervousness gone, insecurities or doubts gone. The call is what counts.
A- I know personally that I'm a fearful person, I'm always thinking bout the next step & it usually drowns out the voice of God. if I know that I'm called by God then there isn't a reason to waiver. I need to re-establish a firmer foundation.
P- Lord remind me that your call is all that counts.
Posted by Santos Samayoa aka SantZ, Chato...hey it's still me at 8:56 PM 0 comments
Labels: Journals
1st journal of 2009!!
Thursday, January 1, 2009
O- Ok these 2 verses raised up several questions in my spirit first of all, have you ever felt like God has put you in the middle of a certain situation or place? Where it seemed different, uncomfortable, and even at times it may feel like God is not even close! well I've been in this predicament before and all you can really do is rough it out. See the "middle" usually isn't the place where you want to be at. When you're going on a long trip, no one in there right mind yells "I want the middle seat!" also growing up as a middle child I usually felt like the one who gets less attention, less loved, an felt like the odd one out. To make my point the "middle" isn't the best place to be at.
The next part is my favorite though which states that God put the tree that gives life, where? yup you guessed the "middle". See it's in the "middle" of the turmoil that God meets us, it's in the "middle" of the chaos where God brings peace, it's in the "middle" where God shows up. I guess to wrap up talking about the "middle", I'm reminded of an Oreo cookie. we all know that the best part of an Oreo isn't the 2 stale black cookies but rather the cream feeling which is located in the "middle". To receive the life that God intended us to live we too will have to meet him in the "middle", but don't worry that's where we will enjoy his sweet presence.
A- as much as I hate being in the middle, I guess it's not a bad place to be in. I truly believe that if I'm put in the "middle" it will actually build my faith and trust in God.
P-Lord I want to start this new year right, and can't think of a better way to start it than with YOU. I love you and like PD has preached, "We got next!" let that be the anthem for me this year!
Posted by Santos Samayoa aka SantZ, Chato...hey it's still me at 10:07 PM 1 comments
Labels: Journals