As I read and thought about what I will journal about one verse kept tugging at me, it's found in Luke 21:13 "But this will be YOUR opportunity to tell them about me."
I started thinking about opportunities that I have had to tell others about Jesus? and sad to say I haven't had one, or haven't found one. But then I started thinking about this Blog, and about Twitter, and about Facebook, and about the Internet. Maybe sharing My/Your faith doesn't always have to be a face to face encounter. Who knows someone on the other side of this screen might be clinging on to every word that I am writing because they need to know about the LOVE of Jesus. One thing I've learned in life is that opportunities come in all shapes and sizes, and most of the time they never come in the nice package you were expecting.
With that said I challenge every Blogger, Twitter-er, Face Booker, Myspacer, and what ever other -er is out there, use this or any other platform as your opportunity to tell THEM about Jesus!
Undefeated Lifestyle
6 years ago
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