Welcome everyone!! well I am very EXCITED to launch to first of several posts on "The Big 5" you can read more about what it is on the link above. But enough waiting, let me present the first individual....
Well this individual has played a major role in my life and it seems like every and any person that he comes in contact he does the same. Some may call him hard worker, encourager, musician, athlete, but I like to call him my "brother!" I've enjoyed seeing him pursue his dreams and I can't wait for the BIG one to happen, pretty soon, He is married to a beautiful and devoted wife, please help me welcome #51 from Kansas State, Ulla Pomele:
2. What kind of leadership skills have you gained at Kansas State?I am stunned and in awe of what God has graciously done in my life. I can finally say that I am one step closer to becoming a professional athlete and even more. The year 09 feels much different than the past years. Before leaving California, family and friends asked if we were sad about going back to Kansas? My answer to them all is,
I AM READY TO GO TO WORK! I have never in my life spoke these words entering into a new year. I know that I’m going to face bigger and challenging obstacles, but I am willing to fight for my God, family, friends, and for the unborn generation. Nervous, you may ask? There is quite a large ton flowing through my body.
I can’t exactly tell you if I gained any, but I know without a doubt I’ve mature in some leadership skills.
3. What do you miss most of California?
I miss being together with my family and friends. And I can’t forget the food!
4. What experience have you learned from your wins? and your losses?
Wins: How to be content, consistent (more work at this area), increase of thankfulness and love, cherish and enjoy the moment.5. Best memory of SJMC?
Losses: Staying humble because it is very easy to complain, Gives me a great lesson on how to prepare myself in avoiding a lost or facing lost
There are many I can recall but the one that still runs the motor in my life is the quality time spent with You, Leebo, Ant & Tara & Zai, at the old house!

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