Catalyst West Coast

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

OK well there is exactly one more day to register for Catalyst West Coast!! Some maybe wondering why I am ranting on about this conference? Well besides that it's one of the elite conferences on the face of this earth it's also the closest Catalyst conference out here in the west coast! Usually all these conferences are held out in Atlanta, where all the big dogs of ministry are at, but on April 22-24 WE have a chance to experience the full blown out Catalyst experience. Not only that one of my favorite speakers is going to be there, Perry "Flippin" Noble!! this I know for sure, I will never get a chance to go to South Carolina to hear him preach but I will definitely drive a couple hours to do so. Ok ok I'm getting excited just thinking and writing this, I really don't want to get my hopes up for nothing. I sit here staring at their website and man I know this will help me/us out. In this upcoming year myself and a group of others will be launching out to Hawaii under the lead of Pastor Anthony Vasquez to start CWCHawaii. I personally want to be prepared for our church launch and I will have to say that I will do anything to get prepared. So am I really going to go? What do you think, should I? Well only tomorrow will tell.

Amazed by You

Monday, December 29, 2008

S- "...When I saw the woman, I was very amazed. Then the Angel said to me, "Why are you amazed? I will tell you the secret of this woman and the beast she rides-the one with seven heads and ten horns." -Revelation 17:6-7

O- Wow it seems like getting anything out of Revelation is difficult to do, but this one phrase stood out to me "Why are you amazed?" it's funny how we can look back at this soon to end 2008 year, and we stand amazed at everything that has happened both the good and the bad. For some of us we are amazed at how great this year was! maybe it was a wedding, a graduation, or just achieving a new plateau in life. But maybe for others we stand amazed, but not in a good way, at how crazy this year was in the economics of this nation, at the plunges of housing, and the scorching prices of gas. No matter where you stand in the line of amazement I can just picture God asking us, "Why are you amazed?" See for God there is nothing that is going to catch him by surprise, there is nothing that we as mankind can do to shock Him or even...amaze Him. God knew what was going to happen, like I said the good and the bad, in 2008. God stands as Omnipresent, present at all times, Omniscient, all knowing, and Omnipotent, all powerful. So as this new year comes along, remember that nothing amazes God, why? because he already planned our lives, from beginning to end.
A- As 2009 approaches I want to be ready, but even then all my plans may be put on hold as he unfolds his major plan. I stand amazed not because of what I have achieved but because how great God is, that he can use someone like me to attempt to change the world. I can't wait for another amazing year.
P-Lord I give my life to you. That for me this adventure is amazing but for you, it's just what you ordered. Amen.

Sunday Night REwind

  • It was so cool to see Ulla & Liz again, man it's been a while since I've seen them. They just have a way to make others smile.
  • Knowing that this was the last Sunday of '08 made me want to go all out. I reminded the team about something that Troy said, "In order to start the year strong, we need to finish strong!"
  • All morning I had one thing on my mind..."I'm going to the Niner game, yeah!"
  • For Christmas, my wonderful girlfriend gave me some niner tickets. 23 years living in the bay, this was my first game EVER!!! Oh ya Niners won baby, woo hoo!!!
  • We are still eating tamales :)
  • P. Ant preached about vision, wasn't there but God is stirring me up to start declaring a New Vision for 09.
  • New Years means new goals. I usually keep up with my goals for at least the first 2 months, but lately my life schedule has been thrown off, I need to get back on track.
  • Had a good time in prayer, I truly believe God is stirring me up for something BIG this year, but it's going to cost me something.
  • Well that's all for today, this Sunday was AMAZING.

Sunday Night REwind

Sunday, December 21, 2008

  • Today was a kind of a rough day , we were short handed on staff, but at the end of it all we all played our parts and accomplished every task.
  • Although Manny, Tara, & Amanda weren't here to sing the band still did their thing! Mike G. tore it up, Vince hit those ivory keys, Tee well she did what she's always been doing every Sunday, Rueben held it down on the Bass, Troy...well he's just Troy, and Great job Carolyn!
  • I really needed to hear today's message. Pastor Ant thanks for doing what God has called you to do.
  • Here are some quick notes I managed to write during service.
  • Robert Sepolveda bought us PIZZA!! yah I was shocked to, haha.
  • It was cool hanging out with Praises, Sylvia, BJ, Manda.
  • Ate to much pizza, ughhh.
  • Tonight's service, I preached about ending the '08 Year! I always love this part of the year because I set new goals, gather new vision, and just reflect on the year that has passed.
  • WOW a lot has been happening at my dad's church, I have to say he is one of the most successful church planters. I can't wait for CWC Hawaii to launch, it's in my blood.
  • Can't wait to talk to Manda before going to bed.
  • God is GOOD.
  • Finals are almost over, so I'll be back on track with my blog.
  • Love yall Gnite.


Thursday, December 11, 2008

Well today I was twitter-less, haha! Basically I was left without a phone today (actually I forgot it) so I decided to jot down on a piece of paper what would have been an excellent day to TWITTER. So here goes my day thus far in twitter posts:

  • Gmornin Manda, I hope u have a great day! We r havin our Christmas party!
  • WOW there is tons of work
  • Enjoyed writing Spirit of a survivor.
  • Wish I could attend @Tonymorganlive mogul meeting
  • Yes! going to be a short day @ work since we have a party, hope there is good food :)
  • Yummy food :)..
  • Ok the chicken isn't so good, a lil dry but I'm hungry.
  • @ant6248 wow times are tough, God is Good.
  • won a tote bag in the raffle, yes a tote bag???
  • I'm off work heading home!
  • nobodies home :(
  • Yess my phone, now time 2 talk to @amikk
  • I'm gunna kick it w/ my mommios

Spirit of a Survivor

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Well today in class my professor said something that really stirred me up he said "You all have a spirit of a survivor!" He mentioned this as he told us to look around the room, there is only a few of us that have lasted this far and we have yet to quit. A spirit of a survivor! how awesome is that.
Today's journaling had a verse that made me think about this "Survivor Spirit" it says:

"I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith."

Paul, the greatest apostle of all is coming to the end of his legacy and knows without a shadow of a doubt that he has left everything in that ring! that everything he was sent to do has been FINISHED. Although Paul suffered greatly he survived the fight. Any time the bible talks about fighting I can't but help think about Rocky! and I enjoyed his latest movie when he says "It's not about how hard you hit, it's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward."
We have all taken some big blows in life, and just like my teacher asked the classroom to look around and see how many people are left, I ask you to look around...See you're still here, you're still standing, You're a survivor.

Building Relationships

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Whenever you have a good day it just seems to affect every other area of your life! Yesterday night was an awesome bible study, Tara's prayed for all of us, and I would have to say she was RIGHT ON! A night of worship, tears, the word and cookies what more could we ask for. Last night affected my morning. I woke up earlier and started my day right, and throughout my day I just had several people in my mind and was thinking a lot about my relationships with folks. In a season where we give gifts I was reminded about building relationships. So today I sought to do just that. Any way I could I was going to force myself to build new relationships or just strengthen old ones. Building relationships, for me consisted of:

  • Visiting my old crew at StarBucks. It was so great seeing each of them, all though I haven't been there in about 5 months it seemed like we just picked up where we left off. I really enjoyed working at Sbux, and no not because of the FREE drinks but truly because of the relationships I built with each person. And if you are from the CREW and you're reading this, well I missed yall and I'm glad I got to see you today!
  • Got to visit my friend Danny. I haven't seen him since his bachelor party when we went bowling. He has been some what of a little brother that I always took pride in protecting. I remember when he lived with us for a while he taught me how to make a quesadilla. Anyways my friend Danny is married now and living with his wife. Although they're young they are both growing and learning. He gave me great advice that maybe some young couples will never hear. I was glad he was open and vulnerable when he talked about his relationship. Thanks Danny! (The food was good huh?)
  • And lastly the last way I built relationships was through networking services such as my 2 big ones Twitter & Facebook. Some may say I twitter too much, but I don't think so, anyways twitter has helped me network not just with our team but also with other church planters all over the US. I didn't know much about it but now I am seeing the benefits of twitter! next is Facebook, now I am still new to it just have around 2 months of using it and so far it has helped me to connect not just with fellow church followers but also with my old friends. I always post something there and who knows that if one time they get a chance to read this blog maybe something will spark in them to change. (I am praying for that)
Glad to say that today was a day filled with building and building relationships that will last.

How will YOU build relationships that will LAST?

Sunday Night REwind

Sunday, December 7, 2008

  • Well before I start writing some thoughts about today I gotta mention yesterday's fight...Pacquiao Kicked some BUTT!!
  • This morning was an unusual one I woke up earlier than usual so I decided to read my bible. You know when you just open it and ask God let this word be for me (I know you've done that before or am I the only one?) well it landed on Psalms 90 a verse that stood out to me and showed itself to be true in today's service was Psalms 90:2 "...You are God. You have always been, and You will always be."
  • One of our church members went to be with the Lord. I know it was a hard day for the family to be there but I was so glad that they showed up. It encouraged me and I hope that today's message was an encouragement to them as well. You can read more about our Pastors heart In the "Matters of life and..."
  • Although it seemed like service would have a gloomy cloud over it's head, the church came together as a family and became the support for the Apolinar family. When you hurt, we hurt.
  • So Amanda created an awesome icebreaker/intro skit, alot of people said it was funny but nobody was able to record it, boo :( but I did manage to save a short practice of Zai and I, he did a great job.
  • The "Grinch" was a successful service, wonder if we could have played it out for a whole month?
  • After it was all said and done I couldn't just go home without seeing Amanda. She's been real sick the past few days, but I'm glad she's getting her rest. (remember keep drinking OJ and take your medicine, night quil is good, huh?)
  • Forgot My sister went to the NINERS game, I'm jealous :( at least we won, yesss! what now raider fans, haha!
  • Talked to my brother, he always knows how to enourage me when I'm down, thanks bro.
  • getting ready for church service, I'm debating if I should turn tonight into a teaching service rather than a preaching service.
  • On another note keep my dad and his church in prayers (MISION CRISTIANA EL CALVARIO) they are looking to buy a place they can call home, I'm so excited for them!!
  • As MCEC keeps on growing I'm learning that leadership is desperately needed. How do you develop leaders, but leaders that will remain faithful and want to work?
  • Took the boys out for some In-N-Out...I honestly hate In-N-Out, YUCK! but it was cool taking the boys and just talking about life. Some times you just got to get away from the church setting and just be you.
  • Ok I'm wrapping things up, long day but a good day.
  • Keep Amanda in your prayers she's feeling under the weather Get well soon Manda Panda :)
  • Gnite every1

Guest Journal

Well tonight's journal comes from someone close to my heart my BIG brother, Orlando. I have and will always look up to him he uses simple words but his words seem to always reach deep to everyone's heart, so I pray that this quick journal entry gives you hope, brings back joy, and challenges you.

"For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of light" -Ephesians 5:8

My old ways aint gunna cut it no more. Ever since I accepted the Lord as my savior I'm challenged to be the light, I represent the big man “GOD”. Not my will be done but his will.
Living out here alone away from every body has been tuff I have to admit, out of all the test or challenges I have faced walking the righteous path is the most difficult of all but yet it is rewarding. I thank God for every opportunity he has given me and the people he has surrounded me with. I just try to remember to lead by example you can talk the talk and play the part but if you aint living or practicing what you preach well its all in vain.
Characters is all you have and character is what people see so watch your thoughts, for they become words. Watch your words, for they become actions. Watch your actions, for they become habits. Watch your habits, for they become character.Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny......

Thank you Lord for all that you have done help me to continue to stay strong in your word guide me and use me I love you and I need you amen……………………….

Knowing God's Promises

Saturday, December 6, 2008

"I pray also that you will have greater understanding in your heart so you will know the hope to which he has called us and that you will know how rich and glorious are the blessings God has promised his holy people." -Ephesians 1:18

One of my favorite spots to hang out and read the bible or any other book is Starbucks. I just enjoy the people, the music, the setting, oh yeah and the iced chai latte (or Horcahta that's what I like to call it) It seems like everything makes my experience there a great one! So as I was in Sbux yesterday I came along this verse and I started to think "How do I KNOW the promises of God? What do they SAY about me?"
For the longest of time I always wished I had internet service here at Sbux, it would just make my experience even better. I remember times when I'd bring my laptop and just stare at it in hopes that I would magically receive internet someway somehow, but nothing. Not to long ago I asked my mom what kind of service plan we have and what is included in our plan, to my surprise our plan ALREADY includes free wifi at any AT&T hotspot!
So what I'm trying to say is this, that the internet service, the one I so desperately wished I had, I already had it. It was already mine, but because of my lack of KNOWING I wasn't able to receive it.
Many of us live life that way, walking around with the promises of God right in front of us but because our lack of knowledge we aren't able to receive them. Dig through the scriptures and search for the promises of God and once you have it hold on to it and come into agreement that HIS promise is YOUR promise.


Thursday, December 4, 2008

Going through my daily blog roll this website "I AM SECOND" was mentioned. Not knowing what it was all about, I was glad I came across it. If you have time check it out, it's pure testimonies of people that you and I might know. Some are actors, athletes, and musicians. I clicked on a familiar face, Josh Hamilton, some might not know who he is but he's a baseball player who made a tremendous comeback last year in the MLB. As I watched his clip it gave me goosebumps, not because it's a sad story but because you see the power of God and His work in someones life.
I thought to myself...If I was on that hot seat what would I say? (maybe i'll make my own video)
All the videos conclude with a declaration and I want to end this with the same declaration...I AM SANTOS SAMAYOA AND I AM SECOND.

Missing my Bro

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Well as you may all know my brother came down last week for the holidays. We always have a great time when he's around. Since my brother is super buff now, he decided to help my mom workout, I caught a glimpse of the strenuous workout it's pretty funny :) here is a quick peek into my families life, hope you like it!

The First

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Everyday at work I have a chance to catch up on listening to podcasts and hearing many great pastors like Craig Groeschel, Andy Stanley, Perry Noble, Steven Furtick, T.D. Jakes and many more. Todays sermons all touched up on a basic truth, tithing. Now I blogged about this before you can check it out here. But today their messages challenged me to evaluate what God has given me and decide if I should go beyond the regular 10%.
Not only that as I was on my Exodus Journey I encountered a whole chapter that lines up with tithing so to me this is definitely a sign from God. Exodus 22:29 is the verse that pushed me over the edge "Do NOT hold back your offering from the first of your harvest and the first wine that you make.."
I honestly believe that God gave me this position and job that I am in at CPMC. I look at myself and wonder sometimes "what the heck am I doing here? I don't suppose to be going up this ladder this quickly, but I am." This job is definitely God because I know that by my own merits I would not be here. Reminds me of the Joseph story.
Listening to these sermons you can't but help to get excited about giving but what about when God puts it in your heart to raise your tithe? is that biblical? can you really do that? or is that some way of trying to be better than everyone else? these are the thoughts and questions that rise, but on the other hand I also think God gives me 100% of my check he deserves way more than 10%, God has been too good to me, my family, and to my church.
I read a commentary that I want to share with everyone pertaining to the principal of tithing here it is:

"Get into the habit of tithing as soon as you have the time, money, or talent. Tithing is not just about money. It's about whatever God gives you as gain. You might discover that you have more time than you used to . Give 10 percent back to God. You may be blessed with additional abilities or position or power. Give 10 percent to His agenda."

Tithing does not only consist of our money how about if we would give God the first of our time, money, and talents? If there is 24 hours in a day then that means 10% of that is 2 hours and 40 minutes dedicated to God and God alone.

God I thank you because I can honestly say that I AM RICH! maybe not according to wallstreet but according to you I am. I have everything I need family, friends, a church, clothes, food, and some money in my account. Throughout this day i wrestled with the thought of giving more mainly because I know that you have given me a lot more sometimes more than I deserve. Lord forgive me for not taking this job more seriously, thinking thoughts that I shouldn't be the one doing this. Lord you placed me here not man, and I believe that this job will be my starting point in saving and stewarding money not the way i know how but the way you direct me to. I think about Hawaii, marriage, and the future and worry about finances; God I don't want to worry anymore so with this I say...I Trust you.

Throughout the whole messages I've come to a conclusion, GOD DOESN'T NEED OUR MONEY, WE NEED GODS BLESSINGS.