- Well before I start writing some thoughts about today I gotta mention yesterday's fight...Pacquiao Kicked some BUTT!!
- This morning was an unusual one I woke up earlier than usual so I decided to read my bible. You know when you just open it and ask God let this word be for me (I know you've done that before or am I the only one?) well it landed on Psalms 90 a verse that stood out to me and showed itself to be true in today's service was Psalms 90:2 "...You are God. You have always been, and You will always be."
- One of our church members went to be with the Lord. I know it was a hard day for the family to be there but I was so glad that they showed up. It encouraged me and I hope that today's message was an encouragement to them as well. You can read more about our Pastors heart In the "Matters of life and..."
- Although it seemed like service would have a gloomy cloud over it's head, the church came together as a family and became the support for the Apolinar family. When you hurt, we hurt.
- So Amanda created an awesome icebreaker/intro skit, alot of people said it was funny but nobody was able to record it, boo :( but I did manage to save a short practice of Zai and I, he did a great job.
- The "Grinch" was a successful service, wonder if we could have played it out for a whole month?
- After it was all said and done I couldn't just go home without seeing Amanda. She's been real sick the past few days, but I'm glad she's getting her rest. (remember keep drinking OJ and take your medicine, night quil is good, huh?)
- Forgot My sister went to the NINERS game, I'm jealous :( at least we won, yesss! what now raider fans, haha!
- Talked to my brother, he always knows how to enourage me when I'm down, thanks bro.
- getting ready for church service, I'm debating if I should turn tonight into a teaching service rather than a preaching service.
- On another note keep my dad and his church in prayers (MISION CRISTIANA EL CALVARIO) they are looking to buy a place they can call home, I'm so excited for them!!
- As MCEC keeps on growing I'm learning that leadership is desperately needed. How do you develop leaders, but leaders that will remain faithful and want to work?
- Took the boys out for some In-N-Out...I honestly hate In-N-Out, YUCK! but it was cool taking the boys and just talking about life. Some times you just got to get away from the church setting and just be you.
- Ok I'm wrapping things up, long day but a good day.
- Keep Amanda in your prayers she's feeling under the weather Get well soon Manda Panda :)
- Gnite every1
Undefeated Lifestyle
6 years ago
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