Whenever you have a good day it just seems to affect every other area of your life! Yesterday night was an awesome bible study, Tara's prayed for all of us, and I would have to say she was RIGHT ON! A night of worship, tears, the word and cookies what more could we ask for. Last night affected my morning. I woke up earlier and started my day right, and throughout my day I just had several people in my mind and was thinking a lot about my relationships with folks. In a season where we give gifts I was reminded about building relationships. So today I sought to do just that. Any way I could I was going to force myself to build new relationships or just strengthen old ones. Building relationships, for me consisted of:
- Visiting my old crew at StarBucks. It was so great seeing each of them, all though I haven't been there in about 5 months it seemed like we just picked up where we left off. I really enjoyed working at Sbux, and no not because of the FREE drinks but truly because of the relationships I built with each person. And if you are from the CREW and you're reading this, well I missed yall and I'm glad I got to see you today!
- Got to visit my friend Danny. I haven't seen him since his bachelor party when we went bowling. He has been some what of a little brother that I always took pride in protecting. I remember when he lived with us for a while he taught me how to make a quesadilla. Anyways my friend Danny is married now and living with his wife. Although they're young they are both growing and learning. He gave me great advice that maybe some young couples will never hear. I was glad he was open and vulnerable when he talked about his relationship. Thanks Danny! (The food was good huh?)
- And lastly the last way I built relationships was through networking services such as my 2 big ones Twitter & Facebook. Some may say I twitter too much, but I don't think so, anyways twitter has helped me network not just with our team but also with other church planters all over the US. I didn't know much about it but now I am seeing the benefits of twitter! next is Facebook, now I am still new to it just have around 2 months of using it and so far it has helped me to connect not just with fellow church followers but also with my old friends. I always post something there and who knows that if one time they get a chance to read this blog maybe something will spark in them to change. (I am praying for that)
How will YOU build relationships that will LAST?
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