Well tonight's journal comes from someone close to my heart my BIG brother, Orlando. I have and will always look up to him he uses simple words but his words seem to always reach deep to everyone's heart, so I pray that this quick journal entry gives you hope, brings back joy, and challenges you.
"For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of light" -Ephesians 5:8
My old ways aint gunna cut it no more. Ever since I accepted the Lord as my savior I'm challenged to be the light, I represent the big man “GOD”. Not my will be done but his will.
Living out here alone away from every body has been tuff I have to admit, out of all the test or challenges I have faced walking the righteous path is the most difficult of all but yet it is rewarding. I thank God for every opportunity he has given me and the people he has surrounded me with. I just try to remember to lead by example you can talk the talk and play the part but if you aint living or practicing what you preach well its all in vain.
Characters is all you have and character is what people see so watch your thoughts, for they become words. Watch your words, for they become actions. Watch your actions, for they become habits. Watch your habits, for they become character.Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny......
Thank you Lord for all that you have done help me to continue to stay strong in your word guide me and use me I love you and I need you amen……………………….
Dang Jr you're getting better in your journaling. Remember when I first told you about journaling, it took you like almost 2 days to finish one, haha, but take a look at you NOW!!
Hey did you like your picture? reminds me of scarface.
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