Santz On the Journey
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Posted by Santos Samayoa aka SantZ, Chato...hey it's still me at 7:51 AM View Comments
It's time to say Good bye!!
Monday, April 13, 2009
One of the most memorable endings to any tv show I think would have to be the Mickey Mouse Club, as those words came out of your mouth you're already humming the song. Well It's time to say good bye to One G Experience. It seems like a sad day but I have something up my sleeve. Don't worry I wont leave you hanging check out my new platform Santz On the Journey hope to see YOU very soon.
Posted by Santos Samayoa aka SantZ, Chato...hey it's still me at 11:38 PM View Comments
Under Construction
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Some BIG changes coming soon!! Change never feels like a good thing, right? but in fact it always ends up being a lot better. So I'm about to change things up, in my life and on this blog. I'm being challenged in many ways and I know I need to change. Change hurts, change stretches, but all in all change advances. So everyone be ready for the change, stay tuned in.
Posted by Santos Samayoa aka SantZ, Chato...hey it's still me at 6:42 PM View Comments
Simon Says aint got nothing on this!
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
We've all played the game of Simon Says but have you ever played, "Tag Ya Man" well here is a quick lesson on the new version of Simon Says, go ahead play along. Trust me after a while this song will pop right back to your head and somewhere in your day, with your smooth voice you too will start singing, "Tag Ya Man."
"Tag Ya Man" from santos samayoa on Vimeo.
Posted by Santos Samayoa aka SantZ, Chato...hey it's still me at 9:43 PM View Comments
Labels: my life
Good Advice
"I like to tell young preachers, you don’t fail when you invite people to repent and follow Christ and no one responds. You fail when you don’t invite people to repent and follow Christ." -Craig Groeschel
Posted by Santos Samayoa aka SantZ, Chato...hey it's still me at 8:10 PM View Comments
Labels: ponder points
Sunday Night REwind
Sunday, April 5, 2009
- There was a great excitement this whole week for Sunday, and it finally is here, and I'm still excited!!
- Big THANKS to all those who made it happen, both the leadership and the volunteers from CWCM, this could not have happened with out yall.
- I love seeing a group of people come together with one purpose, it's awesome.
- We honestly might have not had a clue what we were doing, just an idea, but now we know. Hmm...I wonder if a FREE monthly breakfast is on CWCM's schedule? just a thought.
- The FREE breakfast that we've been promoting, EVERYWHERE, was a SUCCESS!! several people showed up, food was almost all gone, and people just came together both to serve and just to have fun.
- I forgot his name but I think they call him uncle Joe, we talked and he gave me a nickname "Kadosh" means Holy in Greek which means Santo in Spanish which means me, Santos!
- Two words to paint a picture of how the church looked, FULL HOUSE.
- The whole production team, one word...WOW!!
- Everyone did a good job from the smallest to the leading role (oh by the way who was playing the Barabbas role, now he was good, haha j/k)
- Seeing people accept Jesus gets me pumped, reminds me of when I crossed the line, hmm I wonder of what we can start for new believers, like a first step class?
- P. Ant always puts me on the spot, but it's good though I either sink or swim, and I'll try my hardest to swim it may not look pretty but I'll get there.
- Can't believe I get to be a part of this, WOW, Thank you Lord.
- Pics and videos coming up SOON.
- That's it for tonight forgot tomorrow is Monday, and it's back to work. Gnite.
Posted by Santos Samayoa aka SantZ, Chato...hey it's still me at 10:22 PM View Comments
Labels: Sunday Night REwind
We Can do this!
Friday, April 3, 2009
Special THANKS to all those who have stepped up to help and/or are going to help make this happen, it's not Sunday yet, but I know it's going to be good!
We still need a couple more dozen eggs, and bacon so if you would like to help out with any kind of donation, it's never to late contact us at
Thank you all for making this city wide event possible!!
Posted by Santos Samayoa aka SantZ, Chato...hey it's still me at 6:15 AM View Comments
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
This Sunday April 5th we are hosting a Friends & Family Breakfast and the best part is that it's all FREE!! now that I have your attention I need your help in making this happen:
- If you know anyone in the Milpitas area (San Jose/Fremont) tell them to come check it out, foods on us!
- Post this poster image and message on your facebook, myspace, or twitter.
- TRY your hardest to make it out as well
- If you would like to help out with any donations (email me or leave me a comment) and I'll let you know what we need.
Well all this cannot be done without YOU! so let's make this happen here is the lowdown on the FREE breakfast
Posted by Santos Samayoa aka SantZ, Chato...hey it's still me at 10:53 PM View Comments
Labels: Church
Do everything with Love challenge
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
1 Corinthians 16:14 is a simple verse that says "Let all that you do be done with LOVE." Now I want to call out a challenge to all those who read this blog it's called the "Do everything with LOVE challenge" When you love someone you will do all that you can, you will give sacrificially, you will try your hardest, you will do your best. This challenge is to go out and do something, but do it with love. It's going to cost you something maybe time, money, or it might even take you out of your comfort by doing something that really isn't you like talking with a total stranger.
In the comment box below write what you did, not what you're thinking about doing. You can do more than one thing, but we only have one day for this challenge.
So today live out this scripture by doing everything with LOVE.
Posted by Santos Samayoa aka SantZ, Chato...hey it's still me at 9:27 AM View Comments
Labels: my life
Stop and Listen
Today I'm staying in, I feel sick as a dog...But I'm glad I can catch up on some reading.
The Washington Post did an experiment with Joshua Bell, the world’s best violin player. They put him in a Washington DC Metro stop to work his musical magic. Would people stop and listen to the world’s best violin player who’s playing one of the world’s best violins (his violin was made in 1730 and cost $3.5 million)? check this clip out
Why wouldn't people stop and listen to one of the greatest musicians of our time? I think there are two reasons why:
- People are to distracted- several people who walked by this man had a chance to listen to a FREE concert of a great musician but because of the busyness of life: emails, newspaper, lattes, text messages, phone calls they all could not appreciate the sounds of a masterpiece.
- People just didn't know who this guy was- I have to say if I didn't read about who Joshua Bell is, if this article didn't explain the truths about who he is and what he has done, I would have never known who he was, so I think I wouldn't have recognized him.
also several people don't know the truths about who Jesus is other than what they see on TV, there is a need for people to be like this article to explain to others who Jesus is, our Christ our savior.
Today take time to listen to the music, take time to listen to what Jesus is saying to YOU.
Posted by Santos Samayoa aka SantZ, Chato...hey it's still me at 7:04 AM View Comments
Labels: ponder points
Sunday Night REwind
Sunday, March 29, 2009
- We Kicked off our NEW Sunday Service at 11:17am at CWCM and it was Great, glad to see some familiar faces but also glad to see the many new faces.
- Can't lie it felt like a weird transition but I was glad to see the support from the Spanish ministry and our team come in and work together.
- Next Sunday, April 5th, we are hosting a FREE breakfast for the community of Milpitas!! click here for more info or click here for directions, hope to see you there.
- We have a great church that is eager to HELP out in any way for our BIG FREE breakfast. Remember to invite more people out!
- Thinking about new ways to invite people to church, any ideas? what's working at your church?
- Had some fun at Jaydens' B-day party, never knew how fun flying a kite was! check out this picture of Zai flying a kite. oh yeah the food was off the HOOK!!
- It's weird b/c the days I don't want to preach, God decides to take over. Just re-affirms me that I can't do this on my own it's only by his strength, grace, and faithfulness that I do what I do.
- My style of preaching has changed totally, I think I'm finding my swing but still trying things out.
- It's so amazing to see a church sing w/o no instruments just voices. Made the whole church (MCEC) sing A Capella.
- God is good, and all the time God is good!
Posted by Santos Samayoa aka SantZ, Chato...hey it's still me at 9:40 PM View Comments
Labels: Sunday Night REwind
Killing Cockroaches pt.4
Friday, March 27, 2009
10 things I'll remember after visiting Disney:
I like Disney Land but not as much as Amanda LOVES Disney, I get tired too fast and my legs start hurting, what can I say I'm getting old! Anyways Tony Morgan points out 10 things that he remembers after visiting Disney (p.53):
- The experience begins in the parking lot.
- We will invest a lot of money to make dreams come true.
- It helps to have someone with you who's been there before.
- The value of excellence transcends socioeconomic and cultural barriers.
- It's hard to communicate with people who wear masks.
- The journey is more fun when you're on it with friends.
- The world is small.
- Lots of people fulfilling the same mission can achieve great results.
- It's possible to leave behind a lasting legacy for future generations.
- We remember the fireworks at the end.
Do people want to go to church like people want to go to Disney? Can church really be a place where dreams come true?
Posted by Santos Samayoa aka SantZ, Chato...hey it's still me at 6:15 AM View Comments
Labels: Books
Killing Cockroaches pt.3
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Compel them to come in
"Then the master said to the servant, ‘Go out into the highways and hedges, and compel them to come in, that my house may be filled." -Luke 14:23
Near my house there is this little center that holds a IHOP, a laundry mat, a video store, and a Chinese buffet. Now I have gone to both restaurants and both are good but one seems to be better than the other because they have a more selections on their menu. See there have been several times that I've gone to this same location on a Saturday morning to eat breakfast and I see this long line of people awaiting to eat at IHOP but to the right is this untouched chinese buffet. Now I have a choice to make at this point, wait 20 minutes for moons over my hammy or I can get quick access to sweet and sour pork and noodles, what will I do? well not sure about you, but for me I will stick to the obvious, IHOP. Why, you may ask? well there is a reason people will stand outside to wait to be seated, it maybe their service you know what you see on the menu is what you will get, their selection varies from breakfast to dinner they give me an option, or just the experience someone always knows me there. Those are just some reasons why I will choose IHOP over the Chinese buffet all the time.
"Is your church service compelling? after all, our church services are competing with every other opportunity people have to invest their time. They could be reading the Sunday paper, sipping Starbucks coffee, golfing, sleeping in. We can shout the claims of Christ all we want, but if we don't compel people to come in and listen, our message is fruitless." -Tony Morgan (p.26)Why aren't people compelled to come to church? I mean if we are serving the best thing possible, JESUS, why isn't their crowds of people in service on Sunday mornings. If you read throughout the gospels Jesus always attracted large crowds, what kind of crowd is your church attracting?
How can we make church more compelling for others to come?
Posted by Santos Samayoa aka SantZ, Chato...hey it's still me at 8:56 PM View Comments
Labels: Books
Killing Cockroaches pt.2
Posted by Santos Samayoa aka SantZ, Chato...hey it's still me at 5:36 AM View Comments
Labels: Books
Twitter Freak!!
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Posted by Santos Samayoa aka SantZ, Chato...hey it's still me at 10:29 PM View Comments
Labels: my life
Killing Cockroaches pt.1
Recently I just finished a book, "Killing Cockroaches" by Tony Morgan, that has totally challenge the way I think about "How to do Church." Now a quick background, I have been raised in church spent most of my time sleeping under a pew when I was younger, tried so hard to rebel but I just couldn't because the fear of God (you know the one your parents tell you about like when He will ZAPP you as soon as you enter a movie theatre), and now I help out at my church with whatever I can do. Church for me can just become something that is routine. You know you come to through those doors and you expect some older individual to give you a handshake and a bulletin and tell you God bless you, then you enter the sanctuary only to hear the same songs playing and the same people on stage, if the songs didn't get you well the preaching will because instead of giving something attainable, applicable and astounding the preacha man just goes through a long history about who Jesus was...Ok if you read through all that you might be laughing (b/c thats your church) or you might be sick in your stomach because you church still hasn't changed.
Posted by Santos Samayoa aka SantZ, Chato...hey it's still me at 6:08 PM View Comments
Labels: Books
It works!
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Recently I posted a blog about making appointments and marking them on a calendar, and so far I have been doing so. Although it may not be as busy or marked up like yours I have had a great time marking things out. Now I enjoy being busy because it makes me feel like I am accomplishing something, but now I'm prioritizing my busyness and it doesn't overwhelm me as much!
When I first started this I was marking down everything so it can seem like I have something to do people to meet, you know what I mean. I started marking down my devotional times, my blogging time, meeting up with Amanda time, even time to take out the trash. I really thought I was never going to meet with anyone else other than Amanda then all of a sudden I started making calls and emails, and wouldn't you know it I had two meetings, way cool.
I guess you'll never know what you are capable of until you set your mind to it and do it, and even though you may think what you are doing is minimal consider it practice for the the latter.
Posted by Santos Samayoa aka SantZ, Chato...hey it's still me at 5:59 PM View Comments
Labels: my life
Sunday Night REwind
- Another Great service here at the "M"
- Troy and I have been speaking back to back weeks! wow, I don't know how Pastors across the globe do this every weekend?
- I enjoyed speaking today's word, "Lord make us come together"
- The videos we made were hilarious!!
- After service we had a great white board session. Honestly I love coming together with the team and thinking, creating, dreaming! they are all talented and bring new perspectives to the table.
-Pastor Ant has some CRAZY (in a good way) Vision right now, but it's crazy enough to work.
-We will be starting our new series this upcoming week ''Defining Moments''
-I have a major headache right now, and want to stop writing, I never get headaches.
-preached the same message @ M.C.E.C, great response as well.
-I truly love expanding the Kingdom of God.
Posted by Santos Samayoa aka SantZ, Chato...hey it's still me at 6:11 AM 0 comments
Labels: Sunday Night REwind
Coming Together
Monday, March 9, 2009
As we ended our series "One Prayer" Troy Lepisi and I decided to make a (funny) video showing how much we can accomplish together! there is one more video to come later this week, enjoy:
Coming Together from santos samayoa on Vimeo.
Posted by Santos Samayoa aka SantZ, Chato...hey it's still me at 11:10 PM View Comments
Labels: Church
What a way to open up your service
Thursday, March 5, 2009
I was amazed when I saw this, and to be an opener for Sunday service WOW it's flipping tight!! Makes me want to ditch sprint and buy an iphone. I wonder if we can ever open up our service like this one day?
Posted by Santos Samayoa aka SantZ, Chato...hey it's still me at 9:42 PM View Comments
Labels: Church
7 things to do in these dark times pt.2
2. I will trust the Lord...(Ps.27:3)- Trusting anyone is the most difficult thing to do! but now you are telling me to trust somebody that I can't even see, feel, or hear? now that is crazy! Yes it may sound like that but trusting in God is something that we can all do. Trusting him with our jobs, family, finances, life. If there is anyone we can and should trust its the creator of this universe the creator of you and I. It's not going to be easy but it's worth it especially now. Trust is just faith, and without fait it is impossible to please God.
3. I will offer joyful sacrifices in His Holy Temple...(Ps.27:6)- In hard times the tithe seems to be the easiest thing to clear from our budgets. It seems like an uneven trade because all God asks for is 10 percent, that's it! doesn't seem like much but in dark times 10 percent feels like your giving away more than your saving. It seems like an uven trade when God wants 10 percent from us while He gave 100 percent when He gave His son Jesus. The area of finances are the only area where God says to test him. Give God your first 10 percent and he'll bless the rest!
if you haven't already start tithing, but times are tough? yes I understand, but God is greater than our problems.
Posted by Santos Samayoa aka SantZ, Chato...hey it's still me at 5:53 AM 0 comments
Pencil it in
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Yesterday I heard a great message from Stevin Furtick. He spoke to young leaders and challenged them to carry around a calendar with them. On this calendar you should start penciling in your appointments or your to do list. He says that all though it seemed funny to be carrying around a calendar through high school he got into the habit. It may seem like there is nothing to jot down, but you are preparing yourself for the future.
Now for those of you that know me, well i'm not such an organized person when it comes to tasks and stuff I'm like Mr. Chau's, ''I'm all over the place!'' (haha...ok not so funny) but i'm really challenged to start penciling things into my calendar which I will be carrying. Now I may not be as busy as many pastors but this will be a training for my future. I may not be there right now but i'm preparing for where i'm going?
do you use a calendar? how do you keep this a normal routine in your life?
Posted by Santos Samayoa aka SantZ, Chato...hey it's still me at 6:42 AM 0 comments
7 things to do in these dark times pt.1
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
We can all agree that these are hard times that we are living in but at the same time it's a great time for believers to show who Christ is to those who don't believe. I don't know about you but things are a bit shaky around my neck of the woods. I mean my job isn't so secure, my pay is average, and the likely hood of me getting another job well it's a must. I have plans for this coming year that are going to include a little bit more than some change, and I think I have done a good job saving but still these dark times seem to grip my heart, but I must remember that God is my source.
Reading through the word I discovered Psalm 27 that revealed 7 things to do in these dark times:
1. So why should I be afraid...(Ps.27:1)- We as believers have HOPE! I believe we must ask ourselves that question, especially now, "why should I be afraid?" Understand that money and prize possessions are just a form of resources but GOD is our ultimate SOURCE. It's easy to allow fear to over take us, I recently heard that fear is faith in a different kingdom. "For God has not given us a spirit of fear but of power and of love and of a sound mind." Instead of feeling fear we must excercise our God given power (faith), love, and a sound mind (peace).
How can you today apply these three excercises in your life?
Posted by Santos Samayoa aka SantZ, Chato...hey it's still me at 6:10 PM View Comments
Labels: my life
Blast from the Past!
here is a blast from the past featuring Pastor Nick, Paez, and Scooty.
Posted by Santos Samayoa aka SantZ, Chato...hey it's still me at 5:22 PM View Comments
Labels: Church
Sunday Night REwind
Sunday, March 1, 2009
- What a great way to kick off the month of March. Troy and I had an opportunity to preach today at CWCM, we came together to speak our message "Lord make us Followers."
- Anytime I see first time visitors it excites me =) I hope they come back, lets keep them in prayers (Monique & Craig)
- From the reaction of the crowd, everyone seems to enjoy the Troy&SantZ combo...wait to they see what we have in store for them next week! YOU have to be there.
- Today felt different but good, I really enjoyed what P.Ant told me "You looked like you belong there."
- Read this quick post by Mark Batterson really put a lot of things into perspective.
- Even if it's just one life that comes back to the Lord, then I know that it was worth it.
- I love what I'm doing!
- Quick shout out to my beautiful and talented girlfriend! Thanks for you prayers Manda. She did a great time in worship and she always gives me good(er) sermon illustrations!! (Queso Dip anyone?)
- Great job Troy couldn't have done it without you, also that song you wrote...DANG it was tight.
- I heard P.Ant and the Team tore it up!
- It's my sisters b-day tomorrow! (wow I'm getting old)
- Today was G.R.E.A.T!!
Posted by Santos Samayoa aka SantZ, Chato...hey it's still me at 10:35 PM View Comments
Labels: Sunday Night REwind
Been Quiet
Saturday, February 28, 2009
So I've been quiet for a while here on my blog, sorry, but it's mainly because I've been super busy. In my time off I've gotten plenty of Ideas to write about but also I have been really thinking of dropping Blogger for Wordpress. Now don't get me wrong this blog has helped me but i think it's time for an uprgrade. Well not sure when the move will be or how? but for right now I'm going to be working on stuff and let you know if anything does happen.
Posted by Santos Samayoa aka SantZ, Chato...hey it's still me at 1:02 PM View Comments
Labels: my life
"Who Said that?"
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Here is a quick insert from Mark Batterson Lead Pastor from National Community Church.
Posted by Santos Samayoa aka SantZ, Chato...hey it's still me at 3:00 PM 0 comments
I just finished one of the most challenging books ever! Craig Groeschels book "IT" really goes into the roots of ministry leaders. The things that pastors and leaders are afraid to mention at times are exposed here. I'm glad I was able to read this book and gain wisdom from a successful pastor and creative mind. So if you are a leader get this book. If you have a team of some sort, read this book together. Just go get IT.
Posted by Santos Samayoa aka SantZ, Chato...hey it's still me at 6:39 AM View Comments
Labels: my life
Leadership Lessons
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Just came across this site that has collected several leadership material from several blogs around the blogging world. I recently downloaded it and it's filled with bunch of good stuff. Check it out and download it free here.
Posted by Santos Samayoa aka SantZ, Chato...hey it's still me at 2:59 PM View Comments
Labels: my life
Sunday Night REwind
Monday, February 23, 2009
- CWCM worship team was out but Pastor Ben and the San Jose worship team came and brought the presence of God.
- Had a great time in our journaling class. I enjoy when someone doesn't know how to journal but at the end they are moved by their experience.
- Pastor Dan changed his whole sermon at the last minute, I'm glad he went with what the holy spirit was leading him to speak.
- Prayer at the end was great. God was giving me some words for individuals.
- P. Ant prayed over me and one thing I remember he said was I need to learn how to receive.
- The pastors left so BJ, Sylvia, and me stayed to lock up. We entertained ourselves with this clip.
- Leebo and Sabrina stopped by, it's always good to see them, miss them both.
- I had no thought of going to CWCSJ but since Julian left his backpack and BJ asked me I decided to go with him.
- There was some great word that was spoken over me and many others, Everyone was blessesd.
- Tonight at MCEC I started the first message about a series on sonship and fathership. We are called "Children of God"
- Many were moved, especially those who haven't had a great father figure in their lives.
- Keep me in prayers because I have a couple of speaking engagements coming up.
- Get to speak chapel for MC on tuesday, I just want to inspire them to not end the year with regrets!
Posted by Santos Samayoa aka SantZ, Chato...hey it's still me at 11:24 AM View Comments
Labels: Sunday Night REwind
Remembering some Words
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Today there was a prophet and his wife that was at CWCSJ, I feel bad that I don't even know their names. The strangest thing was that I wasn't supposed to be there, but I truly believe God had everything planned out. Who would've thought that because someone left there backpack (thanks Julian) I would've made it to the end of this service.
I honestly wasn't even looking to get prayed over but I did want to hear what they would say about Amanda. I also need to give another thank you to BJ who kept on nudging me to go up there, thanks because if you would've quit I don't think I would've had the courage to step up to the plate. Well I'm not so sure if I remember it all but here is what I do recall:
- The prophet really didn't give me a word but he did pray for me (I felt discouraged thought he ran out) but one thing he kept on repeating in his prayer was "you are a son of this church."
- His wife spoke prophetic words over me the first one I remember is "you don't have to be confused anymore."
- "Choose the thing that you cannot live without, that if you don't have it you feel like you cannot breath."
- Something about crazy or feeling crazy??
- She mentioned the word Apostolic.
Oh yeah another thing what do you do after with the word that has been given to you?
Posted by Santos Samayoa aka SantZ, Chato...hey it's still me at 10:16 PM View Comments
Labels: my life
Saturday, February 21, 2009
This is what I do on my spare time, but never had the guts to put it up online, this kid is Frickin HILLARIOUS!!
Posted by Santos Samayoa aka SantZ, Chato...hey it's still me at 7:40 PM View Comments
Labels: my life
Free Leadership book!
Thursday, February 19, 2009
So if you're not following me yet on twitter you might have not gotten this HUGE hint, BUT i'll get you all in on the secret (which it really isn't) So Catalyst is giving out FREE LEADERSHIP BOOKS!! Yes you heard it FREE!! (everyone likes anything FREE!!) so anyways all YOU have to do is call this number- 1•888•334•6569 then they'll shoot out some updates click #1, after that ask them for the free book, voila and there you go! Just REMEMBER call them during their office hours and they have this going on up until the 21st, so tell all your friends. Oh and another thing just in case you don't believe me check out this video.
Posted by Santos Samayoa aka SantZ, Chato...hey it's still me at 6:38 PM View Comments
Labels: my life
Live your life
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
This song usually makes me laugh just because it reminds me of this, but if you take time to listen to the lyrics it's pretty inspirational.
Posted by Santos Samayoa aka SantZ, Chato...hey it's still me at 1:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: my life
Lord God...
Lord God...I've been teased about always starting my prayers like this but hey that's just who I am. This morning I just felt like praying for YOU.
Lord God I come before you right now and I thank you that you are God. There are several negative voices coming our way through media and technology, but I thank you because you give us hope. Hope for a better future, hope for a stronger family, hope that our lives do count for something. God for the reader who needs a sense of direction, I pray that you may unveil his/her purpose. That although they may never think they can do what you call them to do let them remember that "I can do ALL things through Christ..." For those battling financial storms allow them to trust in you. You are our source and our way of income is just the resource, help us not to walk around with clinch fists but to have them open to give to you and recieve from you. Lord like the good ol saying goes "It gots to get worse before it can get better." I pray that their best life may now be revealed in your name Jesus, Amen
Posted by Santos Samayoa aka SantZ, Chato...hey it's still me at 5:48 AM View Comments
Labels: my life
Sunday moment
Monday, February 16, 2009
Yesterday we had a great service at church, check out some quick updates here. We didn't have a normal service but we did have a breakthrough, an encounter, an unrehearsed experience. Troy asked for us to pray like never before for an individual, so I did, and that person was Vin. As soon as I was done I saw Matt holding his son and decided to go pray for him as well. As I was getting closer I felt God telling me "Let him pray for you." I wasn't sure how Matt would take it but as he saw me slowly approach him, he put his head down ready to be prayed for. I quietly asked him if he could pray for me, and he did.
He prayed one of the most sincere prayers ever. It was truly Matt. He excused himself in the beginning but every word that poured out of his mouth was directly for me. He didn't come with any christian lingo he just prayed what was truly in his heart. I enjoyed each word and was moved by what God told him to speak over me.
At the end of his prayer he gave me a big hug and told me "That was the first time I ever prayed for anyone."
What is God telling you to do? does it require a risk, something that you've never done before? Live a life that is unrehearsed, because not only will you see more of Him but you will see the great work that He wants to do through you.
Posted by Santos Samayoa aka SantZ, Chato...hey it's still me at 6:12 PM View Comments
Labels: my life, Sunday Night REwind
Sunday Night REwind
- Service was "Unrehearsed" Pastor Anthony gathered us in the back and spoke one word and IT came to life during worship.
- I don't know if I can explain what I felt but it was a feeling like God telling us, "You guys are finally getting IT."
- Troy asked for us to pray for one another like never before. I went directly to Vin, but right after I went to Matt and I suddenly felt like God told me "tell him to pray for you." so I did IT, and he prayed for me (I want to give this it's own post later on)
- No Manny G. but worship team brought IT.
- In worship the kids tore IT up! At one point I said that kids running around was a bit of a distraction, but I'm taking it back. Lil man fired me up as he jumped, ran around, and threw up his fist when we sang "say so" for me, he truly led worship.
- There really was no "church" but IT was an unforgettable time of worship and impartation.
- Our Pastor and his family had a very special moment of honoring for Troy, Mike, Sylvia, Tee, Amanda, and myself. I didn't see IT coming, but IT means alot to me, thank you.
- We all went to CPK after church. IT was all good until BUJJU (that's BJ in Japanese) car wouldn't start. (Oh yeah don't ask anyone who shops at valley fair for jumper cables, they don't have any, we asked everyone but had the same answer...NO!)
- Tonight was the last day of the conference here at MCEC, and IT ended with a bang! Word+Prophetic words+Prayer+Food= GREAT SERVICE
- IT is actually 1am, and I am still on a spiritual high. Thank You Jesus for a Great day.
Posted by Santos Samayoa aka SantZ, Chato...hey it's still me at 12:32 AM View Comments
Labels: Sunday Night REwind
Serving Passionately
Friday, February 13, 2009
Just found this interview/testimony of Troy Polamalu, check it out:
Posted by Santos Samayoa aka SantZ, Chato...hey it's still me at 12:38 PM View Comments
Labels: my life
Stayed home
I decided to stay home today, mainly because I just needed to slow down. I haven't had much time to think or do anything, I've just been too busy. So today I decided to catch up on a lot of things like:
- Devotionals
- Prayer
- Emails
- Blogging
- Facebook-ing
- Projects
- Jogging
- Planning
- Looking for another job
- Listening to Podcast
- Reading
- Rest
Posted by Santos Samayoa aka SantZ, Chato...hey it's still me at 10:55 AM View Comments
Labels: my life
Not just another day
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Today was just that, it was not just another day! usually I'll end my day of work at 3, then I'll call or text Amanda while running to the the shuttle. Everything seemed to go as followed but then it happened, it became not just another day!
From the corner of my eye I saw a face which seemed familiar but also looked as if something was wrong, real wrong. Being helped by an unknown lady (which I like to call an Angel) my old manager from Starbucks gripped the hands of this woman. My ex-manager FRIEND was in desperate help. See she suffers from epilepsy. For those of you who don't know what that is, here is a quick definition brought to you from wikipedia: Epilepsy is a common chronic neurological disorder characterized by recurrent unprovoked seizure.
I'll never forget the look on her face, it was as if I had been her family friend of twenty years, she gripped my arms and with all her might uttered the words "thank you" We hopped on the shuttle and headed to her doctors.
I was shocked, scared, and thankful that I was even outside at that moment. I started praying in my head and just trying to hold a conversation with her. I've never been in this situation, but it was sad to see a person who I looked up to and took orders from now being in a situation of help and barely being able to speak. It absolutely broke my heart.
I can't believe how it must feel like living with this illness, but I know that she is a strong woman and that one day God will heal her, He did it for my mom and I know He can do it for her. So I ask that you may, in your quiet time pray for my friend.
Posted by Santos Samayoa aka SantZ, Chato...hey it's still me at 9:40 PM View Comments
Labels: my life
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Monday mornings seem to always be difficult for me at work. I'm coming from a busy non-stop weekend just to enter a busy non-stop week! (yikes) But this Monday was different because I tried Coffee or should I say a "Grande, 6 shot, 6 pump, White Mocha" (this was Troy's suggestion) yes sounds crazy, and it was. Just for the records I'm not a coffee person, but for some reason I was willing to try anything to wake me up!
I had several instances with coffee before but I guess you can say I quit. As kids we used to drink coffee all the time (did you catch that AS KIDS) We come from a hispanic family and whenever there is "Pan dulce" there was coffee. I guess that's the reason why I'm so short? Usually I joke and tell people that I quit coffee at the age of 5, which might be true.
Anyways what I'm trying to say is "don't try a Grande, 6 shot, 6 pump, White Mocha" nah that's not it but just want to say that I need to get better with my scheduling. I heard this lady say "make sure you have your life scheduled, instead of your schedule having your life."
(...Oh ya I still don't like coffee)
Is there anything you can improve in your schedule to make you have a non coffee day?
Posted by Santos Samayoa aka SantZ, Chato...hey it's still me at 6:38 AM View Comments
Labels: my life
Daddy (the sequel...I guess)
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
"God wanted them to look for Him and perhaps search all around for Him and find Him, though He is not far from any of us: 'By His power we live and move and exist.' Some of your own poets have said: 'For we are His children."-Acts 17:27-28
Posted by Santos Samayoa aka SantZ, Chato...hey it's still me at 5:42 PM View Comments
Labels: Journals
Calling you out!
Saturday, February 7, 2009
"While they were at Lystra, Paul and Barnabas came upon a man with crippled feet. He had been that way from birth, so he had never walked. He was sitting and listening as Paul preached. Looking straight at him, Paul realized he had faith to be healed. So Paul called to him in a loud voice, “Stand up!” And the man jumped to his feet and started walking." -Acts 14:8-10
O- The bible is such a great book, it just paints a picture in your mind. I don't know bout you, but can you just imagine and picture those verses from above? It describes the odds against this man "...with crippled feet." but it didn't just end there, "...he had never walked." With his body laying on the floor, no one must have taken notice of him, except for one, Paul. Paul looks at him, with eyes that say "this isn't the way it suppose to be." and immediately he sees what a lot of us fail to see, he sees the potential in this mans life. Paul doesn't look at him as who he is but Paul looks at him as who he could be and who he should be. I believe this is a portrait of how every christian should be. We need to stop judging others because they aren't exactly like us, but we have to call out the gold in them.
A- I stand here today (well I'm actually sitting down) as a product of what God has spoken to me through the lives of others. Let me explain, I honestly never have heard God's voice or seen a burning bush that starts talking to me (closest was the bush man telling me to stop taking any pictures of him) but I do believe that God has spoken to me through many people. Pastors, parents, friend, his Word. Many people have seen some type of potential in me, the potential that I've lacked to see in myself plenty of times. They have been like Paul calling out the Gold in my life. If I could I would personally thank each and everyone of you but there are so many.
Who in your life do you need to call out the gold, the potential in? think about it we walk, we work, we go out, we see several people in one day maybe just maybe someone needs to hear that they are able to do the impossible.
P-Lord I don't have any excuses anymore, you have spoken to me through your word. So right now I pray that I may tune my spiritual senses to your radar and I can see what you see, hear what you hear, and feel what you feel. Use me to call the gold in others.
Posted by Santos Samayoa aka SantZ, Chato...hey it's still me at 3:39 PM View Comments
Labels: Journals
Anyone need a fullback?
Friday, February 6, 2009
As I was thinking about what to write, I suddenly received a text From Leebo Pomele (My other Brother) and just want to show you what he is up to.
Posted by Santos Samayoa aka SantZ, Chato...hey it's still me at 11:55 PM View Comments
Podcast Experience
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
At work I get time to catch up on some podcast, I just wanted to share the top three podcast that I listen to or have been listening to this week.
- NewSpring- I'm a huge Perry Noble fan but more than that I'm a huge Jesus fan, and I enjoy hearing Perry's in your face sermons. Lately one that has me on the edge of my seat is their newest series "No perfect people allowed."
- Elevation Church- This is Amanda's boy, Steven Furtick. Havent been a big fan of his, but lately what he has been speaking about has really stirred me up. He has a new series that fires me up it's all about leadership called, "Purple people leader." (try saying that 5x fast)
- Experience Life- This is kind of a no name church. Probably nobody knows about them but I enjoy hearing Chris Galanos. He is very practical and passionate. They are a church plant that has been blessed by God. Their current series is "Ready to Change"
Posted by Santos Samayoa aka SantZ, Chato...hey it's still me at 9:06 PM View Comments
Labels: my life
Sunday Night REwind
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Yes I know it's Tuesday, just goes to show how busy I've been for the past week and a half, but I'll try to write as much of my highlights that I can remember:
- It was a rough morning (stayed up REALLY late trying to finish a video) but managed to wake up on time.
- Having Zai and Lei running around always makes me laugh and sure enough brightens my mornings.
- Today was Super Bowl Sunday (which till right now I have yet to see any highlights of the game) so everyone brought either a jersey, shirt, or sweater to represent their favorite team.
- We are on our One Prayer Series, "Lord Make us Passionate."
- To me P. Ant totally resembles the word Passion! I think having him as my leader, a bit of that passion has transferred to me.
- I'm enjoying what God is doing both in Milpitas and here in Daly City.
- I'm amazed every Sunday that I get to be part of a church plant here at my fathers church.
- There was a surprised visit this Sunday, Amanda came w/o even telling me! I enjoyed it, she encourages me so much.
- I'm trying to implement a lot that I've learned at CWC here with the youth.
- I usually replay my sermons and dwell on what I did wrong, but it was good hearing Amanda say I did Great!
- I had a heart to heart moment, when My mom talked with Amanda. (not really an emotional guy, but that brought some tears to my eyes.) I love both of them :)
- We celebrated a night of victory with PUPUSAS, and if you don't know what that is you need to be slapped.
- Although I missed the Super Bowl, Sunday was great day!
Posted by Santos Samayoa aka SantZ, Chato...hey it's still me at 6:15 PM View Comments
Labels: Sunday Night REwind
My Life
Friday, January 30, 2009
Maybe you read my blog and you know me, maybe you read my blog and you don't know me, or just maybe you don't read my blog at all. Whichever the case maybe, I just want to ask a favor from you! I need your prayers!! I know it seems like a christian cliché but I believe prayer works and God moves at the sound of his children. So if you have some time in your quiet place remember me, I am at a decision point and I want to do what's best for God and for me (kinda sounds selfish, I know). That's it, i'm posting this blog through my phone the first of many.
Posted by Santos Samayoa aka SantZ, Chato...hey it's still me at 6:37 AM 0 comments
Labels: my life
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Hey everyone well just something quick that I just started this year or in the middle of January is I started a YOUVERSION account. Basically it's an online bible but it allows you to post comments, thoughts, journals up on the web (pretty cool) anyways just wanted to inform you that I've been posting random thoughts on their. It's totally free and a good way to allow others to see what you and the rest of the world are thinking about. Check it out sign up and follow me as I go on this YOUVERSION journey.
Posted by Santos Samayoa aka SantZ, Chato...hey it's still me at 8:15 PM View Comments
Labels: my life
Friday Night Highlights
Saturday, January 24, 2009
P. Nick is bringing it every week, I really feel that this is the year for the FUSE to GROW, but it is going to take a lot of hard work from US. Here are some notes I managed to take:
- Romans 5:6-8 (Footnotes not included, haha, inside joke)
- While you were in the deepest sin, He still LOVED you.
- People need to know one thing, that they are LOVED by Christ.
- Before you accept someone in your life you want to know that they accept you to.
- We have a screwed up portrait of who God is.
- If you commit the biggest sin ever, He still LOVES you.
- You can't escape God's LOVE.
- Don't let the door knob hit you where the good Lord split you (haha, just wanted to add this so I wouldn't forget, where do you come up with this stuff)
- When you run away from the LOVE of God all you get is pig slop.
- Slavery mentality- You think you don't deserve nothing good because you've done all these bad things.
- The father ran to his son (God will meet you where you're at)
- No matter what he (you) did the father (God) LOVED him.
- You don't have to come nice and cleaned up to God, He says come just as you are.
- Don't walk around in guilt, shame, or condemnation. Keep your head up!
- God doesn't remember your past why do you?
Posted by Santos Samayoa aka SantZ, Chato...hey it's still me at 9:33 AM View Comments
Labels: Friday Night Highlights
Calling All MC's!!
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Well this is for all MC's out there, and just in case you don't know what that means it's Masters Commission Disciples. I know you are getting ready for Dallas, phone calls, texting, emails, everything. This year SJMC is going to be heading out to Dallas for their yearly Conference, if you want to help them out just click here.
Hey MC I know how crunch time gets, I was there before, but today I want to issue a challenge for ALL of YOU, ready? ok in my comment box I want you to write your best experience in MC thus far? Be specific, details, make it you. It could be funny (John) serious (Tee) or just plain Inspirational (Samson) whatever it may be I/we want to hear about it. Winner will receive a prize...what is it? well a lil somethin somethin. Here are the instructions:
- Leave a comment answering question above
- Comment can't be longer than 140 characters (I don't want to read an essay, haha)
- Just be you!
- SUNDAY at 11:59pm is the deadline so you basically have 1 day
- Winner will be announced on Next Week (stay tuned, I'll keep you updated)
Posted by Santos Samayoa aka SantZ, Chato...hey it's still me at 5:56 PM View Comments
Labels: my life
Who are you telling?
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
As I read and thought about what I will journal about one verse kept tugging at me, it's found in Luke 21:13 "But this will be YOUR opportunity to tell them about me."
I started thinking about opportunities that I have had to tell others about Jesus? and sad to say I haven't had one, or haven't found one. But then I started thinking about this Blog, and about Twitter, and about Facebook, and about the Internet. Maybe sharing My/Your faith doesn't always have to be a face to face encounter. Who knows someone on the other side of this screen might be clinging on to every word that I am writing because they need to know about the LOVE of Jesus. One thing I've learned in life is that opportunities come in all shapes and sizes, and most of the time they never come in the nice package you were expecting.
With that said I challenge every Blogger, Twitter-er, Face Booker, Myspacer, and what ever other -er is out there, use this or any other platform as your opportunity to tell THEM about Jesus!
Posted by Santos Samayoa aka SantZ, Chato...hey it's still me at 9:28 PM 0 comments
Monday, January 19, 2009
When we think about Martin Luther King Jr. We all remember his great speech, or atleast a part of that speech, "I have a dream!" I remember being young and learining about MLK in school. For some this is just a day to get off of work but for others this is a time to reflect on the past and keep moving forward. Here are some MLK Quotes, enjoy:
- A man who won't die for something is not fit to live.
- A nation that continues year after year to spend more money on military defense than on programs of social uplift is approaching spiritual doom.
- Almost always, the creative dedicated minority has made the world better.
- An individual has not started living until he can rise above the narrow confines of his individualistic concerns to the broader concerns of all humanity.
- At the center of non-violence stands the principle of love.
- Change does not roll in on the wheels of inevitability, but comes through continuous struggle. And so we must straighten our backs and work for our freedom. A man can't ride you unless your back is bent.
- Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
- Every man must decide whether he will walk in the light of creative altruism or in the darkness of destructive selfishness.
- Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the whole staircase.
- Freedom is never voluntarily given by the oppressor; it must be demanded by the oppressed.
- I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.
- I want to be the white man's brother, not his brother-in-law.
- Life's most urgent question is: what are you doing for others?
- Love is the only force capable of transforming an enemy into friend.
Posted by Santos Samayoa aka SantZ, Chato...hey it's still me at 4:55 PM 0 comments
Friday Night Highlights
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Amazing service last night! Pastor Nick, who just started his blog check it out here, just laid out the vision for The Fuse '09! Anytime anyone speaks about vision I can't help but to get pumped up. Here are some qoutables that just fired me up:
- Pastor is the standard, I want to challenge you with my life.
- If I am not equipping you to do your job, then I SUCK at my job!
- I need to get you from being ministered to, to being a minister.
- You have the same Jesus I have.
- You are a miracle and you need to tell someone/everyone!
- Won by One
- What I am going to do is give you permission to live your God purpose.
Posted by Santos Samayoa aka SantZ, Chato...hey it's still me at 9:40 AM 0 comments
Labels: Friday Night Highlights
Accountability pt. 1
Friday, January 16, 2009
Well it's about to be 5 in the morning and I have been awake since 4 but it's funny how God speaks to one, or at least to me. This morning I woke up to "FaceBook" and saw that some friends are going to try to start a mini Accountability group via Facebook. Now how we will do this, not sure yet, but guessing of making a website (if anyone has experience in this let me know cuz we want to make something tight that isn't just for us but to spread around the web) that is user friendly and has lots of advice, stories, prayers, and links to various help out there.
Well After reading all that and getting pumped up about starting an accountability group I decided to pray and open up my bible. I started reading in Genesis 39. If you don't know what happens in this single chapter it's when Joseph is sent to Potiphars home, and even there God makes him successful! Everyone see's the success of this young man, even Potiphars wife (who I like to call HOT-TIPHAR, c'mon if you work with the king you aint gunna marry just anybody) So Hot-tiphar really really wants to have SEX with Joseph, it says that she came tempting and flaunting all her junk EVERYDAY!! How can a man resist THAT? Well Joseph did, and so can WE. Jospeh refused to lay all his dreams on the bed of sin, and we to may come up against many situations like this.
So gentlemen if HOT-tiphar is around in your life, I have 3 words for you...RUN FOREST RUN!!
Posted by Santos Samayoa aka SantZ, Chato...hey it's still me at 4:50 AM 0 comments
Labels: Journals
Identifying your strengths
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Read a great section in my book, "The Truth about you" by Marcus Buckingham, and just wanted to share a little quick bit on how to identify one's strength. We all can acknowledge that we are strong in some areas but also weak in other areas in life. I don't know about you but listing my weaknesses was ALOT easier than listing my strengths, but here is a great way to identify them:
Posted by Santos Samayoa aka SantZ, Chato...hey it's still me at 7:49 PM 0 comments
Labels: ponder points
Roller Coaster Ride
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
WOW!! My life seems to feel like a roller coaster ride right now!! I don't know about you, but I usually am scared before any ride I get on (FYI I don't do good on the little tea cup rides...blah) but then the thrill of being on the ride itself and the sense of accomplishment makes the fear seem like this lil itty-bitty thing. So in a sense my life seems like I am waiting in line for this gigantic, crazy, loopty-loop, 5 story drop ride!! and the closer I am getting to this ride in life the the farther I am from safety and comfort. I'm not even on the ride and I want to back out, but if I do I know I am going to regret it. Have you ever felt that way?
I know there is a cliche that goes around in the beginning of every New Year, "Change is going to happen this year!" Well I guess I missed the memo or no one ever told me that CHANGE was going to happen this SOON. Today my Pastor wrote something that spoke and is speaking to my heart right now, you can read about it here. I am faced with several decisions, opportunities, tasks, and future choices that will change everything. Many of these, my heart is settled but others my heart and mind just can't comprehend. I am waiting in line and every step that I take my heart feels like it's going to pop out of my chest, makes my hands sweat, and makes me want to take 2 steps backwards and start running away.
I write all these feelings down to find out that all this is just a part of an in-complacent life! I don't want to be average, I don't want to be normal, I wasn't called to live that life. Two things can happen on the way to the ride of your life:
I choose #2 how about you?
Posted by Santos Samayoa aka SantZ, Chato...hey it's still me at 8:44 PM 0 comments
Labels: my life
The BIG 5
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Welcome everyone!! well I am very EXCITED to launch to first of several posts on "The Big 5" you can read more about what it is on the link above. But enough waiting, let me present the first individual....
Well this individual has played a major role in my life and it seems like every and any person that he comes in contact he does the same. Some may call him hard worker, encourager, musician, athlete, but I like to call him my "brother!" I've enjoyed seeing him pursue his dreams and I can't wait for the BIG one to happen, pretty soon, He is married to a beautiful and devoted wife, please help me welcome #51 from Kansas State, Ulla Pomele:
2. What kind of leadership skills have you gained at Kansas State?I am stunned and in awe of what God has graciously done in my life. I can finally say that I am one step closer to becoming a professional athlete and even more. The year 09 feels much different than the past years. Before leaving California, family and friends asked if we were sad about going back to Kansas? My answer to them all is,
I AM READY TO GO TO WORK! I have never in my life spoke these words entering into a new year. I know that I’m going to face bigger and challenging obstacles, but I am willing to fight for my God, family, friends, and for the unborn generation. Nervous, you may ask? There is quite a large ton flowing through my body.
I can’t exactly tell you if I gained any, but I know without a doubt I’ve mature in some leadership skills.
3. What do you miss most of California?
I miss being together with my family and friends. And I can’t forget the food!
4. What experience have you learned from your wins? and your losses?
Wins: How to be content, consistent (more work at this area), increase of thankfulness and love, cherish and enjoy the moment.5. Best memory of SJMC?
Losses: Staying humble because it is very easy to complain, Gives me a great lesson on how to prepare myself in avoiding a lost or facing lost
There are many I can recall but the one that still runs the motor in my life is the quality time spent with You, Leebo, Ant & Tara & Zai, at the old house!

Posted by Santos Samayoa aka SantZ, Chato...hey it's still me at 4:33 AM 0 comments
Labels: The BIG 5
A couple more hours till...
Thursday, January 8, 2009
So I wanted to do something NEW today and also b/c I ran out of time. So we only have a few more hours till I have to go to bed, and we have to go do something. I recorded this short video on TokBox you can play it and it will explain what is happening in my life in the next couple hours.
Oh yeah if you want to see how I warm up check this out, it was pretty funny didn't know it was recording.
Well Gnite everyone, will keep you updated on our roadtrip, LA here we come!!
Posted by Santos Samayoa aka SantZ, Chato...hey it's still me at 8:26 PM 0 comments
Labels: my life
The Truth About You
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
A couple months back, way back, I won something, yes I WON SOMETHING. Now you may be wondering what I won, but first I just want to say what I had to do. Tony Morgan, the chief strategic officer (sounds like the best title/job EVER) at NewSpring, put up a challenge on his blog. He asked all his blog readers to write one single truth about him or herself. Well I decided to take a shot, since no one really wins anything. So I wrote, I wrote one truth about myself and you can check it out here. Might have to do a little searching to find my name, but I'm in there. So if you haven't read the post, Tony Morgan was giving away 5 free books, and I am the proud owner of a free copy of "The truth about YOU" by Marcus Buckingham.
I believe it was yesterday or Monday that P.Ant asked what books are we going to be reading this year? well I found my book, "The truth about you." I hope it does help me identify my strengths and weaknesses. Read the first chapter today and it's good and practical. Thank you Tony Morgan.
So as the New Year is here are there any New books on your list that you will be reading? any recommendations?
Posted by Santos Samayoa aka SantZ, Chato...hey it's still me at 8:28 PM 1 comments
Labels: my life
I don't have nothing!
S- But Abram said, "Lord God, what can you give me? I have no son, so my slave Eliezer from Damascus will get everything I own after I die." Abram said, "Look, you have given me no son, so a slave born in my house will inherit everything I have." -Genesis 15:2-3
O- I know it's not good to be jealous, but I'm jealous at the relationship that Abram (or Abraham) had with God. At one point in the scriptures it even mentions God standing up and leaving the presence of Abraham. WOW that is a deep one on one with God. But like every person that you like their might be one or two things that bother you and this is one of them. When God is talking one on one with Abraham, he does what ALL of us do, oh sorry what I do often, and that is he looked at what he didn't have instead of what God was telling him he will have. How many of us have been in this same scenario, a tug-o-war with God. He explains how He will use us in BIG and MIGHTY ways but we often can't see it happening b/c we are too focus on what we don't have. For some of us God is calling s to take risks, to give more, to do more but all in all we have to take our sight off the mirror and into the telescope.
A- I have buried many so called "great achievements for God" because of the fact that I look at myself rather than at God. Of course when I looked in the mirror I could see all my weaknesses, all my insecurities, all of my short comings and they have pushed back my walk with God. I'm understanding this in life, that everything I have achieved up to this point is not and could not have been because of ME but it was all because of HIM.
P- God today I don't look at myself, because if I do I will find an excuse not to believe, not to do your work, not to take a risk. I understand that I am in the middle of a turning point in my life and I NEED you. So no more looking at what I don't have but I look up to you and see what you have for me, a bright future.
Posted by Santos Samayoa aka SantZ, Chato...hey it's still me at 6:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: Journals