Be an Encouragement

Friday, September 5, 2008

Just wanted to share my brothers Journal with you guys it really encouraged me and I hope it does the same for you! Now he doesn't have a title for it but if it were my journal I would title it:

-------------------I DARE YOU TO MOVE----------------------

S: Mark 16:20 and they went out and preached every where the lord working with them and confirming the word through the accompany signs. Amen.

O: I guess that a lot of time we want God 2 part the river b4 we get our feet wet, we figure "yeah if I see the signs, then ill go ahead and do it." I like the saying faith doesn’t follow signs, but instead signs follow faith. In this verse they went out, they took a step of faith, they got their feet wet and as a result signs followed. So if you want 2 see God move, you need 2 make a move, plain and simple!

A: I've been scared because school looks real hard and its real intimidating but I know that I took this step of faith to get here. I need 2 stop doubting and start walking always moving forward.

P: Dear god thank you 4 every thing. I want 2 see you do things in me and through me that I can absolutely not be capable of, that way people can see that it wasn’t me but you through me. Once again I'm just a vessel here ready to b used & 2 serve. I love you and I need you amen.