I have a story to share

Monday, September 15, 2008

Psalms 145:4
"Parents will tell their children what you have done. They will retell your mighty acts"

I couldn't but help to think about my mom when I read this verse. My mom would always tell us stories, in fact she is one of the best story tellers I know. She remembers things from way back when, and it is still vivid in her mind. I really enjoy hearing her stories they're great! and even sometimes she'll repeat the same story and I catch myself finishing the her next words. Stories is how we past memories, legacy, and even the mighty acts of God. My mom was once diagnosed with Epilepsy, but she prayed and the church prayed and boom she was healed, an act of God. Things like this really build up a childs faith.
I remember even at times of sickness, my parents would take care of me and always tell me do you believe that Jesus could heal you? and although I was a little kid, I really did believe he could and he has.
Thinking about my mom's stories and the healings that she not only has experienced but seen have really developed my faith. Remember that faith is something that is measured. Just as we grow so does faith. Faith grows the more we use it or else it stays the same if we don't.

•Faith is something that can be SEEN in your life
•Faith without works can remain as something weak
•Faith put into practice can be seen as something GREAT!

Well I have a LONG way until i become a parent but even now I am collecting a variety of stories to put into my library of "God's Mighty Acts" so if you find yourself with no stories to tell, you got to ask yourself have I done anything that has increased my faith? have I taken risk that God is the only answer? develop a library that ranges from the smallest acts of faith all the way to when your back was against the wall, and all you had was God.

Thank You Lord because even now at a young age you've allowed me to experience and also see your hand at work. I pray that this may not be the end to my library, place me in situations that will later become great stories that I can one day pass on to my children, and my childrens children. Thank YOU Lord!