Well lately i've just been in alot of training whether it was at Starbucks or CPMC. As much as i dreaded sitting down, reading, doing paperwork, i also had a chance to learn a lot about both companies. They both are very credible organizations that stay true to their Mission/Vision Statement. I really enjoyed those times when they would explain their core values. So this week I just want learn and study up about Mission Statements, and hopefully Next week just breakdown several M.S's also I would like to define my own Mission Statement for Life. Going through this training has checked me not only as an employee but as a christian and a future church planter. What lies ahead of me is going to be a challenge but if I narrow down where I'm going in Life or How i'm going to live life then it will make things a little bit easier. So for the next week if you can comment me any Mission statements! whether they are from your work place, some that you read online and just inspired you, or even your own if you have one. If you know of any others that would like to post a Mission Statement feel free to tell them. Thank you for all your Help, I can't wait to see what is in store for next week!
Undefeated Lifestyle
6 years ago
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