1 Peter 1:2
“God the Father planned long ago to choose you by making you his holy people, which is the Spirit's work. God wanted you to obey him and to be made clean by the blood of the death of Jesus Christ. Grace and peace be yours more and more.”
• As I’m reading this I am thinking about everything that needs to get done in my life: journal, pray, work, eat, sleep, prepare a sermon, etc. looking at this list, it can get intimidating and frustrating. But as I read todays chapters, I came across this one verse that showed me a character of God that I must imitate. The beginning of this verse says it all, “God the Father PLANNED…” God took time to plan out the wonderful masterpiece, which is you and I. God planned out everything that he made. What does that show me, well I need to learn basic life planning. Like they always say, “if you fail to plan, you plan to fail.”
• This week is going to bring a lot of challenges that could easily overwhelm me, but if I plan properly then all my tasks can be accomplished with ease. My schedule is already busy and will just get busier. I need to plan out the important things in life like:
1. My time with God
2. My time with my family
3. My time with Amanda
4. My time for study
What’s important to you? Those are the things you will always keep important in your planning. Hey, if God made it an importance to plan who am I not too.
• Lord allow me to align my plans with your plans. Help me to get organized and want to plan out my days, my weeks, and my months. I want my time with you to be on top of my important list. Help me to plan. Amen
Undefeated Lifestyle
6 years ago
hey bro i like your blog keep up the good work its very encouraging and i like the check list looks like you need more time with Amanda lol but ya just a little advice try to spice it up i don't know what that means but ya i am sure you will figure something out its an amazing site but try to reach those who are just stopping by and find something to pull them in so they will people able to be blessed by your word i really like this blog so keep it up
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