My Bible Journey

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Micah 6:8- The Lord expects these three things from each of us: 1. do what is right 2. love 3. live humbly.

Micah 7:4- you were warned, but what did you do heed the warning?
Micah 7:8- The One more round spirit. One of the best messages that we need to tell ourselves and that is "i will get up again."
Micah 7:14-  Who is part of your flock? are you taking care of your sheep? are you a shepherd?
Micah 7:19- definition of mercy!
Hebrews 7:2- 10% of everything, so if anyone has questions whether to tithe of your gross or your net, well here is your answer.
Hebrews 7:6- When you go out of your way to bless someone, your door of blessings opens up.
Hebrews 7:11- Jesus is OUR high priest.
Hebrews 7:16- The way He lived put him in position to be the high priest. What position is your life putting you in?
Hebrews 7:27- Jesus Christ only needed to do things once, he never needed a "do over."