Well this was a great day overall:
-Went to work, learned more about the espresso bar, and cold beverages (working @ starbucks)
-Almost done w/training, just have a five hour starbucks experience tomorrow
-Got my first paycheck from star bucks!!
-Met this guy named Chris, he's from L.A, we were just eating and i started talking with him he's studying to be a chef, real cool guy.
-Also met this guy on bart. I didn't catch his name but i'll call him Earl (he looked like an Earl) I was buying my ticket while sipping on some Ice Tea i could tell he wanted some but i did too. So i did what every good person would do, I acted like I didn't see him. I tried, but i couldn't, so i gave him my Iced Tea and $3 that i had. You should've seen his face it was priceless. But what got me is what he said, "wow you made my day! ice tea and $3, this is the best day of my life!!"
-Went to 7-11 to get a free slurpee (thanks for the heads up Christian)
-Got to go the "The Fuse" and see everyone
-P. Nick revealed his new blog check it out!!
-We had a leadership meeting and P. Nick asked us 2 questions: 1.) Do you still feel passionate about this ministry? 2.) What do you bring to this ministry? (strengths, passions)
-There was this homeless lady that always came in the beginning of the move to CWCM, we hadn't seen her for a while. Spotted her, i believe her name is Kristen or Kris, Manda and I talked with her and gave her a salad that Manda had. She was so happy, we invited her back to church, so pray that she makes it this sunday.
-Got a chance to spend time with Manda (missed ya)
-Talked with my good ol' friend Jason Paez, always knows how to make me laugh! (miss my hyna, haha)
-I'm home, getting ready for bed
Phew, that was a lot, my day in a nutshell! It's crazy how much you can do, how many people you come in contact, and how many lives you affect. Today was a good day.
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